802# => 810# Above and Beyond Choices

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802# Jack is a HUUGE fan of Ivor ("he is a founding freaking member of the freaking Order of the freaking Stone")! Do you:

A- Tell him to be himself


B- Tell him to play it cool?

803# The statue you built in front of Nell's home had been covered with some weird-ass structure Romeo (as you) built over it. Do you:

A- Take it down


B- Leave it?

804# For style and panache, you have the option to add a firework star to your fireworks so you get a special pattern when you take off. Assuming you could pick any firework star available in Minecraft, which would you pick?

805# Before confronting Romeo, you get to choose another set of armor to wear. The ones you can choose are the armor sets you can pick among in Episode One, which would you pick?

806# Prefer to:

A- Reason with Romeo


B- Attack Romeo?

807# Having finally stripped Romeo of his admin powers, the tower you are in begins to collapse. Petra says he deserves to be abandoned, but Jack insists you take him with you. Do you:

A- Take him with you


B- Leave him?

808# Assuming you've been nice to Stella the whole time, she decides to stay in Beacontown and help out with the Beautification Project (transforming the floating tower to make it look good). Do you:

A- Agree to look after Lluna


B- Suggest that Lluna stays with Stella?

809# Choose your ending! Then answer the questions according to whether you've chosen a or b.

A- Hit the road and go adventuring with Petra.
B- Remain in Beacontown.

810a# Who would you leave in charge of Beacontown?

A- Radar


B- Let the people decide?

810b# Lukas realises you still haven't promoted Radar! What new rank do you give him?

A- Co-Hero-in-Residence
B- Honorary Clockmaster
C- Friend (but seriously...)
-Radar made these up-
D- Executive intern
E- Director of internal affairs

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