788# => 795# Below The Bedrock Choices!

89 3 17

An * marks the 'your story is changing' choices.

Assume you are Jesse.

Before we begin:

788# What advice did you give Petra in Giant Consequences?

Now let the questions begin!

789# You and Jack are stranded on a gravel cliff and cannot get off of it. The cliff is about to fall and unless someone helps you up, you'll fall to your DOOM! Suddenly, a gang of weirdos shows up, and offers to help you and Jack up IN EXCHANGE for your weapons. Bear in mind that you are in a dangerous place and weapons are a basic necessity to survive. Do you:

A- Surrender your (and Jack's) weapon to the gang, who will then help you up and leave?


B- Refuse, and watch Jack fall to his 'death'?

790# Assuming you've won the trivia game against Kent and won a night in Fred's house, Binta (the leader of the people of Fred's Keep) offers you Fred's sleeping garments (which looks pretty cool). Do you:

A- Accept them?

B- Refuse them?


C- Let Kent have them (pretty much pointless, he'll refuse them anyway and Binta will just keep them, but hey, it's called being nice!)

791# Before you leave for Romeoburg, Binta asks you for a favour. She agrees to help direct you find Fred's weapon, if you agree to take her and the people above the bedrock so they can live on the surface instead. What would you respond with?

A- Absolutely, we'll take you!

B- You're safer down here


C- Eh, can't promise you anything, but I'll try.

792# The ninja is revealed to be Ivor, whom Romeo (disguised as you) sent to hunt down all impostors. He explains his long and pointless backstory, and says he must return to the Sunshine Institute to pass the news to Romeo. You decide to fabricate a story, which one do you pick?

A- You're still in prison

B- You died trying to escape


C- Ivor killed you?

793# Before entering Romeo's challenge, the gatekeepers let you choose some armor to wear. Which would you pick? Armor is named from left to right in the pictures.

Picture 1 (A - D)

Starting from the left to the right.

A- The Tooth Chipper

B- Goofball Glory

C- Llama Brown-ish

D- Please Don't Hit Me

Picture 2 (E - I*)

Picture 2 (E - I*)

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E- Dented Danger

F- Feelin' Cute

G- Armor Number 7

H- Straps n' Straps

*I- Golden Apple (Unavailable if you abandon Lluna)

*794# Petra's been thinking about what you've told her in Giant Consequences, and she firmly believes that her place is not in Beacontown, meaning she must leave Beacontown to pursue the path she's chosen, whatever it is. But keep in mind that you've been her best friend who's always been there for her, no matter what. What would you say?

A- I'll always be by your side. (*tearful* Thank you...)


B- I'll always be waiting for you. (I'm gonna miss you.)

*795# Shortly before leaving, the giant enderman attacks you. Binta and the others from Fred's Keep arrive and start attacking the mobs. Radar heroically offers to create a distraction so you could rescue the people, but the consequence is that you'll leave him behind! Would you:

A- Leave with Radar (leaving Binta and the others stranded, possibly forever)


B- Rescue the people (you'll be abandoning Radar, possibly forever)?

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