742# => 750# Jailhouse Block Choices!

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*marks the big choices in the game.

742# When the Warden orders you to close the door, do you close it or not?

*743# When the Warden tortures Radar as leverage, do you:

A- Agree to work for him as an associate


B- Refuse?

744# After the 'guest' in the Mush Room attacks you with a sword (which is considered contraband) and the Warden demands to know who it belongs to, do you:

A- Take the blame

B- Accuse the guest who attacked you


C- Keep your mouth shut?

*745# Geoff the Mooshroom isn't allowed to stay and disrupt the order of the Mush Room and the Warden orders you to shear him. Do you:

A- Shear him


B- Refuse?

*746# It appears that not even Stella (who is in charge of the Zombie Mines) can stand the conditions of her new workplace. When she begs you to take her and Lluna with you, do you:

A- Agree


B- Refuse?

747# When the Admin, whose real name is Romeo, forces you to fight against Jack/Petra, do you:

A- Attack (They will remember that)


B- Refuse to attack (Romeo will give them a painful electric shock to 'encourage' them)?

*748# You've freed Prisoner X, whose real name is Xara. But one major problem remains, the floor of her cell is covered in Stone Pressure Plates (which cannot be activated by items and must be stood on) and if not at least one person/mob is stepping on at least one of the pressure plates, the whole cell goes KABOOM! You are only accompanied by Nurm and Lluna, Xara says you must leave one of them behind to not set off the lethal trap, but who will you abandon?

A- Nurm


B- Lluna?

749# In the armory of the Institute, you have the choice of choosing an enchanted Iron Sword (with Sharpness) or an un-enchanted Diamond Sword. Which do you pick?

*750# During the final escape, Xara runs ahead of the group. Do you:

A- Leave her (she'll rejoin you eventually, but this will strain her trust in you)


B- Follow her?

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