Chapter 3

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I picked up the syrup and drowned the thing in the sweet substance. Hopefully that will make it taste at least sweet enough to eat. I'm hoping it will over power the nasty taste. I picked up the spoon and scooped some of whatever this blob was (need i remind you that you aren't suppose to scoop pancakes up...) I looked at my mum once more. She had an encouraging smile on her face. 

I closed my lips over the spoon, when my mum asked. "How is it?" which hid my slight gag nicely. 

I frowned down at the substance that seemed to thicken and cement in my throat. It took me three tries to finally swallow the damn thing. Even though i held my breath the entire time i swear i tasted onions. Nasty. I stared at my plate as my eyes watered, i tried my hardest to keep the substance down by gripping my spoon until my knuckles turned white as i worked the substance in my mouth. What was i chewing? Did i really want to know? Hell no. 

I lifted a glass of milk to my lips and chugged half of it. I blikned a couple times before I looked into my mum's eyes, full of hope. I couldn't break her heart so I said, "Absolutely fine. I think you are getting better." 

Her face brightened even more and before she could ask me to finish my food, i spoke up. "Mum, i ate at Bree's house already this morning. I didn't know you would be back or i would have waited. But i'm not that hungry anymore so i think I'll just go unpack and wash my clothes." I pushed the chair back from the table and gave the dish infront of me a smirk of triumph that i wouldn't have to ingest anymore. 

"Wait, Blue." My mum said and reached out to me; holding onto my shoulders and pushing me back into my seat. "I have something I need to tell you..." I knew it, i thought. I waited for her to continue. "Now, there is no getting out of this. I already spoke to your father-"

"No!!" I cut in. "I'm Eighteen in three months. Why do I still have to visit him?!?" I said, jumping to conclusions as I shot up in my seat. I mean, why else would he even call us other than it was his week to spend with me. Anything to irk my mum i guess. Anything to 'win'. It's a stupid game that my fahter is playing, alone. 

My mum gave me a look that was strained but still under control. I slowly sat back down, waiting for her to fisish speaking so i can rebuttal it then. "You will be going down there next week. But, he moved..." my mum fiddled with her hands that were placed on the cold counter. "He moved back into our old home, in Arizona."

A/N; Cliffhanger

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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