Chapter 2

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Fun? Hell no. 

Here, let me take you back to the time when i first found out I was going to have to take this horrid trip to Tucson, Arizona. It was the day after I graduated from High School and i was coming home from a party with Bree and Kaylie.

I knew from the moment that Bree's big brother stopped in our driveway that something was wrong. My mum's car was parked in the driveway which meant she was actually home. That only happened on rare occasions like holidays and sometimes on my birthday. Being a surgeon took up a lot of my mum's time but, i understood that. Plus, i never really minded the empty house. 

Anyways, I walked up the steps hesitantly wondering if someone in our family had died. My keys jingled in my hands as I stumbled to put the key into the lock. I could never really get it on my first try...EVER. When I stepped into the neat foyer I dropped my bags down onto the tiled ground carelessly. And this time, I actually called out to my mum. "Mum, I'm home!" The words felt so foreign coming out of my mouth. 

My mum's head popped out behind one of the corners down the hallway. "Honey, your back. Where were you last night?" she paused for a short period of time, not giving me enough time to respond. "Come, come." My mum ushered me to the kitchen, "I made some breakfast."

This was odd, she only did this when she had to give me bad news. Like when I was 5 and my cat died. Or the time Gran died, or when my mum and Derik got a divorce. I looked at my mum skeptically but said "Okay." I walked down the hallway as my mum disappeared into the kitchen. When i reached the entry way I looked at the explosion of cooking supplies that littered the sink and counter tops. A mess that I would most likely have to clean up. My mum put a plate down on the table. I looked at the substance on the plate with a raised eyebrow. "Is that oatmeal?" I asked skeptically as I sat down and showed a slight amount of fear at hte thing. I looked back up at my mum whose face had fallen. 

"It's supposed to be pancakes. Chocolate chip pancakes." She moped with a crestfallen expression towards her terrible cooking. 

I instantly felt bad and shouted "Kidding!" with a fake cheeky grin plastered on my face. "I knew it was pancakes." I even threw my hands up in the air for more affect. 

My mum's face brightened considerably. "I had a feeling that I did something right this time. It must have been the powdered milk I used this time...I must be getting better. Maybe I can start to cook for now on."

The fork I had just picked up fell from my hand as I tried to think fast. I would end up starving to death...or get food poisoning. "Oh, but you work sooo much! You shouldn't have to cook also. It's the least I can do!" I surprised myself with such a great lie on such a short notice. I gave a hesitant chuckle and waved my hands like it was no big deal, waving off her worry. Usually, I was always able to come up with such great's just that I found them hours later, when I was alone with no one to hear them. 

My mum frowned in thought about that before saying, "alright, that's true." And then she turned to me with her eyes twinkling nd waiting for me to take a bite of the pancake on my plate. I looked back down and it before picking up the fork and taking a bite. I poked the substance that I now saw had chocolate chips in it, making the substance look a bit bruised and I swore I saw it move. I jumped in surprise and looked back at my, now awaiting mum with scared eyes. Great, the thing on my plate wanted to eat ME because I was about to take a bite into it. But her face was so delighted that i would be eating this, dispite the fact that i jumped in terror at my moving food. I guess she didn't see my little heart attack, or she just ignored it like usual. 

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