Several hours passed before it was Chanyeol who got up and began kicking and banging on the door. "Let us out, this isn't the right method."

From his lonely corner, Chen muttered, "There is no right method."

"Hey, people make mistakes," Chanyeol replied.

"You should have thought of that before leaving that thing over there," Chen fired back, never breaking his gaze from the wall. "All he cares about is you."

"I care about you too," Baekhyun said from the opposite corner.

"Yeah, sure seemed like it," Chen muttered under his breath.

"What's your problem?" Baekhyun's voice rose. "Why are you so upset? I didn't just use you, we were actually friends."

Chen chewed his lower lip as he attempting to keep himself calm. "You were trying to make Chanyeol jealous. When he wasn't around we barely interacted, but when you saw him you couldn't keep your hands off me."

Baekhyun remained silent, acknowledging the truth in Jongdae's words. He had done exactly that; when Chanyeol was around, he would get closer to Jongdae and act as if they had been best friends sharing a secret or joke since they were young children. The more time that passed, he became more distant with Jongdae, unless Chanyeol showed up. When Chen confronted Baekhyun, uneasy tension coursed through them and they stopped talking altogether.

'We're acting like a bunch of teenage drama queens,' Chanyeol rolled his eyes and returned to the table in the center. He rested his head and drifted off to sleep.

'Damn giant bastard got the table,' Baekhyun thought sourly, exhaustion washing over him. He laid his head against the corner of the wall and shut his eyes. Unknowingly, Chen mimicked the same action the exactly same time. Then the three were asleep.

From outside of Room 42161, the onlookers blinked incredulously. "They're sleeping," Kris stated flatly. "They're never going to make up."

"Give them some more time, it's only the first day," Lay replied.

"It's perfect," one of the SM team members said. "We'll wait a few more minutes then slip some food in."

"You're really considering keeping them locked up?" Suho asked incredulously. "Until they resolve their issues?"

"Until they resolve their issues."


Hours passed and still the three boys stayed silent in their respective places. They'd eaten their food in silence, took turns using the restroom in silence. It was quiet, too quiet; it set the three on edge. It was Chanyeol who broke the silence first as he began kicking one leg of the table. The repetition of the noise sent both Baekhyun and Chen on edge, but they did nothing at first.

Finally Baekhyun snapped, "Chanyeol! Stop."

Chanyeol smirked, "Why, does that bother you?"

"Yeah, so you better stop," Chen growled from his corner. "I'm in the mood to kill someone and it's very tempting with you right here."

"Someone's hostile," Baekhyun commented while staring at the wall.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes before closing them, "I'd like to see you try."

"I would but it's too much of an effort; you're not worth it," Chen sighed, resting his head back into the corner where the walls met.

"I thought so," Chanyeol replied with a yawn.

Room 42161 // BaekChenYeolWhere stories live. Discover now