The Bad Boy Inside The White Suit - Epilogue

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I smiled at him, "I am. But you still love me."

He hugged me and kissed my forehead, "I love you because of that."

I rolled my eyes, "You were supposed to deny the fact that I'm weird, you know?"

"Why?" He pulled away, "That would've been counted as lying."

"You..." I glared at him playfully. I picked up my cup filled with hot chocolate and threatened to splash it to him.

"You wouldn't!" His eyes widened in fear, "I'm wearing my suit right now, Riles."

Yes, he's currently wearing his very clean white suit because he just came from work not too long ago.

"Then take it back."

"Take what back?"

"That I'm weird!"

He laughed, "Riles, you're the one who said it."

"But you agreed to it."

"Because it's the truth!"

"Ehhh." I made the alarm noise, "The wrong answer."

Without a second to waste, I poured it to him. With his fast reflexes, he luckily jumped away right on time. But even with that though, some drops did splatter on him.

He growled playfully, "Riley Emerson..."

I snorted, "We're not even married." I snorted again, "We're not even engaged!"

He walked closer towards me slowly, like how a predator walks toward its prey. With this, I backed away too. Slowly.

"Riley, when will you say yes to my proposals?"

"Probably if you stop, like right now?"

So he did. "So? Riley Langston, will you marry me?"

I chuckled and shook my head, "Not now."

"Oh come on!" He pouted, "You've been rejecting me since the first time I've asked you... This is probably my 10th time asking."

"11th, actually."

He sighs sadly, "Okay, it's fine."

Chuckling, I encircled my arms around his neck and gave him a swift kiss on the lips, "I'm kidding. Yes, I will marry you."

Tears brimmed in his eyes as he grinned so wide, probably wider than a boy receiving a gift directly from Santa. "YES!" He gave me a kiss and shouted, "Yes!" Kiss. "YES!" Kiss. "YESSSS!"

I laughed as he twirled me around; I patted his shoulders, "Hey, where's my ring?"

Suddenly, he stopped. "...Shit."

"Jay!" I gasped while pinching him. "Wait, why?"

He smiled sheepishly, "I didn't bring it because I thought that you'd say no again."

I gave him a smug look, "Then I guess I'm taking back my yes then-"

"WAIT NO!" He cried.

"Whoa whoa Jay," I gasped while laughing, "Don't cry."


"You're such a cry baby." I rolled my eyes. I was just kidding, gosh! "I'm kidding, hun," I told him, which made him sob silently.

Sniffing, he puts a hand beside my cheek, "Can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, what?"

"Can I have a piece of your hair?"


"Can I?" He asked again.

I nodded and watched as he took a piece of my hair from my head.

"Ow!" I whined, "THAT'S TWO!"

His eyes widened, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

I frowned at him and rubbed the area from where he took my hair. "What are you going to do with that?"

He smiled and took my hand. He opened it and tied my hair around my ring finger, "This may not be your ring, but this is our ring that seals the deal that you're mine and I'm yours."


"I love you, Riley Langston," He kissed my forehead, "I love you so much."

I hugged him tightly, "I love you too, Jay Emerson." I smiled, "I love you so much."

Is it weird that he proposed to me in his white suit? The same suit he is wearing when he's doing his job? Which means that he's killing people?

Does this mean that he might kill our marriage in the future too?!


I pulled away from him and interlocked our hands, "You smell bad by the way."

He scoffed, "Oh darling, that's just the scent of my love for you."

The End


Oh my God, there it goes!


Well, the end for this book, but not for them and the series 😌

The Bad Boy Inside The _____ Suit would be posted soon 😇 Like really soon. Like, right now 😂 So check it out in my profile.


Hopefully, I'll see you in my next book for this series ❤️


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