Update (Not art)

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Vent incoming

Sorry I didn't get the chance to post last week, I'm currently dealing with this bullying situation.. Not fun, so far I've been threatened to be hit and all I do is just pretend to ignore them... It's been really stressing me out, by now it seems like they're going to listen to them more than me.. My principal is telling me nothing is set in the stone true unless there was a witness to hear their threats. When there was one.. Everything feels like it's gone to crap... I'm so bummed out, by now I'm just numbed from emotions right now 👍

I didn't want to vent here, although it's not much of anything what I said. Anyways, besides that, its benchmark week for my school.

Thanks for reading this for those of you who did, sorry for this chapter. I tried to make it a pretty tame vent, pushing aside toxic thoughts and profanity.

There's going to be some art for the next chapter.


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