"The sun is starting to set, and all we have is a dumbass chorus."

"Damn, two for two. You don't like our chorus?" Trey asked as he propped his feet up on the table.

"It's not that, it's just...it's weird to sing about, you know? Also, this whole thing has felt a little too much like therapy," Demi admitted as she pulled her hair into a loose ponytail.

"Maybe thinking of it as therapy will help us write the song, Demi. Just try it. Since our concept is wishing that we had waited to have sex, then tell me why," Trey suggested, passing her the notepad as Demi released a deep sigh.

"Because we didn't get to know each other, Trey. We had sex and we got so caught up in how good we made each other feel that that became the basis of our relationship. And yeah, sex is a huge part of a relationship but that shouldn't be the thing that holds it together. I'm just sure that things would've been a lot different if we had waited and really dated before making a commitment to each other," Demi explained as Trey nodded his head in understanding. He didn't think she was wrong but he didn't think it was that big of a deal either. But of course, Demi had a different perception of things and since she was in a new relationship, she had probably spent some time reevaluating why theirs had failed so terribly.

"What about you?"

"I agree. Sometimes I wish we could go back in time and just start over...do things right," Trey agreed as Demi nodded.

"Me too."

"Let me see the notepad. I think I've got something," Trey said, so Demi passed him the notepad and the pen before relaxing back on the couch. She sang the chorus under her breath as Trey jotted down whatever he had come up with then passed the notepad back to her.

"Sing it," Demi said, handing it back to him.

"I knew your body told me things, but shit, I should've picked your brain. When the truth is really we were so under the influence of all this money, sex, status, yeah, we had some tricks," Trey sang before Demi grabbed the notepad again and wrote down the verse that had come to her head.

"Your turn," Trey chuckled as Demi set the pen down.

"Didn't get to leave a first impression with my wild mind, and get you drunk and tell me secrets til we end up silent. And now, we seem a little less vibrant. Elephant up in the room and I'm not tryna hide it," Demi sang, causing Trey to high five her as she giggled.

"I think we've earned a break," Trey said as he connected his phone to the Bluetooth speaker.

"I'm pretty sure we were just on break for like three hours," Demi said as Trey shrugged.

"Nah, we just got like six lines, we've earned a break. Do you remember this song?"

"Too Close" by Next came on causing Demi to release a loud laugh as she recalled all the memories that came with this song. This is the first song that they had danced to together at his mom's birthday party, and this was also the song that she had sang for him during karaoke at his 30th birthday party. Trey claimed that this is the song he used to teach her how to let loose and just dance because she used to be so uptight, his words, not hers.

"How could I ever forget?" Demi said as she began to move to the music a little bit and mouth the words to the song.

"I'm pretty sure I still have the video of us dancing to this," Trey joked as Demi playfully rolled her eyes.

"Stop, you know we were probably drunk," Demi groaned as Trey paused the song and passed her his phone.

"Oh my god," Demi gasped as she saw the video playing. Sure enough it was a video of them in the club together dancing to that song. "Look at us, we look like babies!"

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