∆A Beautiful Sight∆

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Levi flipped over, supporting himself with his elbows as he coughed up what felt like half the ocean from his lungs and stomach. He started to convulse, his body reaching up the disgusting ocean water that he had swallowed.

A soft, warm hand patted at his back as he laid sick, his eyes trained on the glistening black stone beneath him. It was a bit rough but mostly smooth, dry except the wet area he puked on.

He suddenly had a flashback 9f the moment on the plane next to the large man who reeked of something unearthly. It sent him into another fit of gagging and retching.

Once he calmed down, Levi glanced around.

He was in a cave. No noticable entrance or exits. The walls were lined with glowing green moss and a salt water pond sat in the center of the cavern.

He wasn't interested in any of that. His eyes were focused on a male who sat next to him.

He was gorgeous.

Soft, damp brown hair tied back and braided with shells and sparkling green blue eyes with flecks of gold which reminded Levi of gazing into crystal clear ocean waters and watching golden nuggets glitter in the soft white sand. His skin was so tanned, it looked like caramel or toast.

His lips full and pink and so god damn kissable. His big gorgeous eyes were wide in concern. Levi loved every little bit of him already.

"Are you alright?" His voice was soft and soothing like the trickle of a stream.

Levi nodded hesitantly, plopping down on his side weakly before he tilted his head.

"Who-" Levi curled up in a fit of coughing, his throat dry and in pain.

"Hey, easy!" The male spoke quickly as he patted Levi's back once more. He rubbed soothing circles until the coughing fit faded. He then helped Levi sit up, his movements gentle and kind. He offered the weak man a husked coconut, the top cut away to let the man drink.

Levi immediately downed the coconut water thirstily, the precious water dripping down his chin and to his dried shirt.

After he finished that one, he lowered it from his mouth and panted heavily only for the stranger to offer him a second drink.

Levi drank that one slower, taking his time to savor the sweet water. The male had a knife, carefully peeling the white flesh from the fruit, dumping it into the cracked top of the coconut.

Levi finished his drink. "thank you.." he murmured softly, his voice hoarse. "Who are you..?" He added curiously.

"My name is Eren." He smiles gently. "I found you. Would you like to stay here with me?" He asked with a hopeful look.

Levi couldn't say no to that face.

He agreed instantly.

"Of course. I don't see a reason not to.." he thought of something. "where are we?" He asked curiously.

Eren smiled a bit more. "this is my hiding place. I come here when I wanna get away from my family. Isn't it nice?"

Levi took another look around. Little trinkets sat around the floor covered in green algae or barnacles. It ranged from old jewelry to shells and teeth and even a few pots and jars and bits of metal.

"It's very nice." Levi replied, looking up. Now able to see little holes in the ceiling. He spotted the faint glimmer of stars up above and hummed.

"It's night time? How long have I been out?" Levi questioned, tilting his head. "a couple hours." Eren replied gently, tilting his head to the side.

"Did you find anyone else from the plane?" Levi asked. He didn't really mean it when he wanted everyone there to die.

"I've seen a couple of people on a nearby island. They're probably the ones from the plane." He replied as he reached up abd touched Levi's forehead. "you have a bit of a cut that I fixed up. It looks better already." He smiled at his own handiwork.

Levi could get used to that smile. And the gentle touches. He hoped he'll get a lot of those from the male.

"Are we near any civilization?" Levi questioned, looking at Eren curiously.

"We're near the Maria Trench District." Eren replied as he picked up the coconut shell filled with the soft flesh, picking up a bit and holding it to Levi's lips. "will you eat?" He asked innocently.

Levi didn't know what the hell the Maria Trench District was but he knew that he would do anything for this male. His jaw popped open and Eren smiled, feeding him the fruit.

They fell into silence, Levi's mind sluggish and sedated. He was lost in the brunettes beauty.

He didn't question his shining blue tail or the gold and silk that covered his arms. He didn't think twice about his pointed ears or the gills on his neck.

He didn't question how they got into the little cavern and he didn't question how he heard Erens voice on the plane, tempting the nose dive that probably killed a good hundred people.

He questioned none of it for he didn't think of it.

He only thought if how beautiful the male in front of him was as he fed him slices of coconut.

Word count: 888

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