Go To Sleep, Bounty Hunter. |Jeff the Killer Romance|

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Chapter 1

[Jeff's POV]

“C-can you help me find my m-mommy, Miss? Im lost” I said, pretending to cry like an actually child would have, I picked my victim in an alleyway to make sure i wont have any attention.

She just nodded and knelled down, trying to look at my face, its covered with my jet black hair and my blood stained, white hoddie hat on top. I convinced the woman that The blood was my cherry popsickle that I fully didn’t finished. And my hands.. was tucked in my sleeves, If her eyes get to suspicious, she might ask whats the matter with my hands. Just hurry up and do your job, for your buddie. I nodded.

“I didnt say anything yet, why are you nodding?” she said still searching my face.

“HAH-ha. Its nothing, sorry.” Then, I finally reveled my face, smiling,“Thanks for Helping me, make sure you say 'Hi' for my mommy in hell, alright? HAHA.” I commented, pulling out one of my knifes from my hoodie pocket, slicing the woman’s Throat. "Go.To.Sleep" i whispered.

“D-damn you!” The woman said, with her soulless eyes already fading away.

“Heh, im already damned.” I wickedly turned her over on her belly. For good measures I plunged the knife where her heart was, moving the knife near her kidneys.  

“Mhmm. I love the smell of fresh cigarette kidneys.” a hissing voice was coming from behind my shoulders, and maybe a hint of drool..

“Hey, its the only kidneys that I could get.” I hissed back. “Besides, You cant do any better” This time, I stuck my tongue out, making sure that Laughing Jack seen it. He just growled and shrugged, making his way a clearer look at the kidneys.  

I sighed, I hated this part. I grabbed the kidneys from inside, and ripped them out. “Here you go, Jacky Happy-” Jack grabbed the kidneys and stuffed them down his throat before I could finish. “Birthday.” He just nodded trying to smile but, the blood that dripped from it, was hard to see his smile.

"Thanks for getting the Birthday cake, wheres our next Location? We cant forget about the big birthday presents.” Jack ginned. This is going to be one heck of a night. 

[Luna's POV]

I was at my moms house. I waited desperately for her to come home, I wanted to be hugged and I wanted some news about whats been going on with her new boyfriend, I might be over protective but.. its better to safe than sorry.


“Mom, is that you?” I jumped off of the couch, walking slowly towards the kitchen.

“Mo-” I was cut off. 

“Honey! Oh, sweety! How was school? Cant you believe its already summer!?” my mom then sighed and hugged me. “So, do you have any boys you can call up this summer, Eh?” She questioned.

Its weird, every time I come visit her house, she expects me to act like a teenager. But really, my summer was just nothing but sitting around playing on the computer. “Uh, Nope. Who needs boys? Like really, all you ever need them for is just to have a baby.” I giggled at this.

“Yeah, right. You'll understand  when the right boy come your wa-”


My eyes widen with fear, I looked over at my mom who was also in fear. With sudden force, she grabbed my arm and we both walked slowly towards the living room.

Go To Sleep, Bounty Hunter. |Jeff the Killer Romance|Where stories live. Discover now