Chapter Thirteen: Calling On My Inner Ninja

Start from the beginning

I’d never seen her this agitated before, angry yes but concerned? Not as concerned as she is now, no. That just made my guilt multiply tenfold. I felt it burrow up inside of me and I almost doubled over with the force… almost.

“For once Lissi, I feel calm.” I gave her a non-answer, knowing I wouldn’t be able to face her if I lied again.

“Tell me what happened.” She demanded. And I could see her anger starting to boil beneath the surface.

“Lissi…” I whispered. “Look, yeah something did happen… but I’m not ready to talk about it to anybody yet and it would be much appreciated if you would accept that and give me some space.” My voice sounded firm but on the inside I felt anything but.

I felt almost desperate to just collapse in her arms and spill everything but I don’t think I could come out the other end with my sanity intact if I did that now.

“Oh you want space? Fine. Its space you’re gonna get.”

I know in my head that her anger was just taking over but I’m my heart her words scared me more than I can admit.

i sighed and stood up from the kitchen stool to make my way to the door.

“I think the best thing for both of us right now is sleep”.

And without saying another word I stood and walked out of the kitchen.

~Lissianna’s POV~

“Well…” I whispered as soon as Sophia left the kitchen.

Without turning the light on I sighed and walked over to the pantry to see if they had any Lemmon Meringue in store. Yes I know, it’s a weird thing to crave but instead of ice-cream I always eat Eton Mess or something with meringue in it when I’m feeling not-so-hot.

After spending a minute staring at darkness and trying to make out the labels on the food packaging, I decided it would be a good idea to turn the light on. I turned and crept out the door acting like a ninja to try to distract myself.

That’s one thing always loved about my dad. He is obsessed with action movies and when his only daughter showed interest in martial arts he pushed me the whole mile. So while normal kids where going and playing at the park, I was learning six different martial arts; one of which was Ninjutsu, the art of the ninja.

Yes that’s right, I am a fully trained ninja. I also know Karate, Judo, Taekwondo, Krav Maga and Kapu Ku’ialua, I took a self-defense class (Because Fia refused to do it one her own) and have weapons training…. Long story… Ill probably get around to telling you about those later; after I’ve had me some meringue that is.


I smirked in amusement at my self and then nearly laughed out loud at me finding myself funny.

Ahhh this is the life.


I turned the corner to go back into the main part of the kitchen but froze at the sound of a male voice.

“Okay then just calm the fuck down.” Cade growled.

I slid up against the wall, thankfully still calling on my inner ninja, and searched for a way to see him without him seeing me. Luckily, I found a way to see him through the reflection on the shiny oven and watched as he paced next to the fridge with a hand buried in his hair.

“Look, I have your money, I’m in Chicago, so now what do you want?”

He paused and rolled his eyes at whatever the person on the other side of the phone said.

“Well where do you want to meet then?... Tomorrow?... Fine, ill be there and yes I will have your bloody money.”

He tapped the screen on his iPhone and slammed it down on the kitchen counter, growling in frustration.

“Bloody Michael f*cking Clarke. Who in all of hell does he think he is?”

And those were his last words before he spun, grabbed his phone and marched towards the stairs.

Those were the words that froze me in place until the sun started to rise above the horizon.

Those were the words that I have been waiting, and dreading, to hear again since I first hit rock bottom with my IED last year.

Just two simple words that bring back so many unwanted memories.

Michael Clarke.




So that’s the end of that. NONE of you could ever guess who Michael Clarke is, I’m telling you now ;)

So anyway I got bored and put Lissi and Fia’s ‘Pyjamas’ to the sideeeee à so go check them out if you can be bothered.

Can you tell I’m in a lazy mood?

Hell I’m always in a lazy mood.

Kind of supposed to be writing a business essay for tomorrow right now but why would I do that when I can be writing for you lovely people???


So Anywho,

Lots of love&rainbows from Hannah and knives&guns from Katie

P.S. I think ya’ll should give into the temptation and MAKE LOVE TO MY VOTE BUTTON! WHOOOOO.

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