Chapter 2

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After the return of Lissana, the guild threw a party for 3 months. It was fun at first but I had soon grew tired of it. Instead I decided to work on my sword skills. 12 swords, each holding a zodiac spirit. That was my true magic.

But in any case, after the party was over, I noticed something strange. Every time I stepped into the guild, I got cold stares. Every time I tried to talk, they'd act as if I wasn't there. As if my exsistance was no longer in present. Despite this, I continued coming, hoping they would talk to me. Foolish indeed.

At last, they did. However, the words that left their mouth, broke me.

It was whilst I was sitting in my usual seat. I was staring into my glass, bored out my mind. Until I heard footsteps. I didn't think much of it due to the past few months.
"Hey Lucy!" A familiar voice called out. Slowly turning around, I saw team Natsu and Lissana, standing smiles on there faces. Wendy was the only one with a guilty look though.
"Hey Natsu, what's up?" I asked.
"Well we were thinking that maybe we should just kick you out of the team," he said with an awkward smile on his face as he srcatched the back of his head.
"I'm sorry, what?" I asked not believing my ears, a nervous smile gracing my face.
"I said we wanted to kick you out, since you know, you're weak, and kinda pathetic. You were also a replacement for Lissana," he said.
"Right you do that then," I mumbled, before walking away, my bangs hiding my eyes.

By the time I sat in my bed, tears began to spill. My sobs were muffled by my pillow.
"My, my, why is such a lady like yourself weeping?" A sweet seductive voice called out. As I looked up, I saw a man. A man dressed in black...

Lucy Phantomhive(discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz