I just can't stand her!

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Abhi sprinkles water on her face gently.

She slowly opens her eyes and looks at him.

"Finally you are awake! Drink some water." He said by getting water for her.

She smiles widely at his concern.

"So sweet....so caring....so handsome...." She said which made Abhi to glare at her.

Abhi making her drink water said "Stop day dreaming. I am reminding you again that I am not your husband!"

Hearing his fierce tone she shivers in fear.

Abhi taking a deep breath calmed himself.

Abhi "I am not with this much of patience with everyone. Listen carefully. I can see, you like me a lot."

"NO! I Love you a lot!" She interrupted.

Abhi shook his head in denial.

Abhi "Because of you I am scared to go out of this room now."

"I know usually a husband is scared of wife sometimes. Like you now!" She teased him which made Abhi irritated.

Abhi "I am not scared as your husband. I am scared as a grandson. My Dadi might think wrong about us now."

He worries which made her worried as well.

"Can I suggest something?" She asked.

Abhi "Tell! I know surely you will tell something I never think of."

"Tell the truth Abhi! Tell we are married. You always say na be truthful to yourself." She replied making him even more infuriated.

Abhi yells "Won't you listen if I tell you once? I AM NOT YOUR HUSBAND! I AM NOT MARRIED TO YOU!"

Seeing him in this way, she gets nervous and starts to look sad.

At the same time, Robin enters the room.

Robin "Sir! Dadi had fainted. Come fast and see what's wrong sir."

Abhi gets shocked and rushes to see Dadi and she also follows them.

Dadi is on the sofa looking unconscious.

Abhi "Dadi! What's wrong with you?" He worries by trying to wake her up.

"Call the doctor. Robin bring some water for Dadi." She says.

Abhi called the Doctor while Robin brings water for Dadi. She helps to sprinkle some water on Dadi's face and also give some water for her to drink.

She caresses her head to calm her down.

Abhi sees this and feels she looks very caring towards his Dadi.

The Doctor soon arrives and after checking her, he says she is having a low BP.

He prescribes some tablets to her and she reading the prescription say "All this have to be given twice a day right?"

Doctor "Yes you are right. How do you know this?"

"I am a nurse...." She replied making Abhi gasp in shock.

Doctor "It's good to have a nurse with Dadi now. Is she being employed by you?"

Abhi was about to say No when Dadi gets conscious and calls for Abhi.

Dadi "Abhi...." She calls in a faint tone.

Abhi "Dadi....I got very scared...." He hugs her unable to see his Dadi in this weak condition.

Seeing Abhi getting scared like a baby, she gets worried for him too.

Dadi "Abhi....I am fine now. And since you have her as my nurse now, I think all will be fine soon."

Abhi looks at her and she smiles in response.

"But Dadi....she is....I don't know...." Abhi says in doubt.

Dadi "Only when you let her be here then we will know. Until then, it will be obviously a don't know."

Doctor "She seems to be like a bright girl Abhi. Do hire her. By the way which college did you studied?" He asked looking at her.

She mentioned it and the Doctor said "Wow! That is such a reputable institution and they have nursing training to be intensive. Abhi, you are then lucky to get her as your nurse. Even our hospital give first preference in hiring nurses from the institution she mentioned!"

Abhi looks at her and feels helpless now.

"If I hire her, it's good for Dadi but for me it's confirm bad!" He thinks looking at Dadi and her.

Doctor "I leave now Abhi. It's getting late for me."

"Doctor, I can send you off." She quickly says as Abhi is still in deep thoughts.

Dadi "Abhi...."

Abhi "I will let her work as nurse here Dadi. And it's only for you!"

He says firmly. Dadi thinks now her real plan is working out. She smiles seeing him while he saw her coming back after sending off the Doctor.

Abhi "What's your name?"

"What is in there a name?" She asks looking at him.

Abhi "I have to call you right? Without knowing your name how do you expect me to call you?"

"A wife knows when will a husband thinks of her. She will be there in front of him in the moment he thinks to call her..." She tells him in a pleasant way making Dadi smile inwardly.

Hearing this, Abhi walks away saying "This girl won't change at all!
  I just can't stand her!"

Sneak peek to next part:
Dadi "Why your room is messy Abhi?" Abhi "Ask your nurse. She is the one responsible for all this." Dadi in a teasing tone "Oh Abhi! Have some shame to tell this. I can see both of you enjoy to play with each other but don't you think you shouldn't tell this to your Dadi?" Abhi shrieks "Dadi! It's not like you think! We never play with each other!" Dadi smiles and walks away shaking her head.

"Damn it! Is this why she came inside the room and made me chase her? Such a cunning person she is. In this rate, Dadi will think I LOVE HER!!" He thinks looking at his room with crumpled blankets lying on the bed and pillows scattered at different places in the room.

PS: I take it as all of you find the intro interesting enough to be continued from the votes and comments received. Thank you! This is a short story and will end within in next 2 or 3 parts.

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