Zayn Christmas Imagine

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I was lying on my couch and watched Love Actually my favorite Christmas movie. You could call me pathetic since it was Christmas eve and I was just lying here home alone, but truly I didn't mind I'd rather spend my Christmas this way than any other. Right now Hugh Grant was dancing through the house and I was giggling hardly because this was one of my favourite scenes. My giggling was stopped as I heard the piercing noise of my phone ringing. I looked at the caller I'D before picking up. "Hey Doniya what's up?" I heard her giggling through the phone. "Not much we're just standing in front of your door to get your ass to my lovely Christmas party, so get up of that sofa, turn off that damn movie and change yourself into a nice dress!" Before I could say anything against it she had hung up. Unsure I stood up and walked into my bathroom washing my face quickly and putting on some make-up. Finished with that I turned to my bedroom and searched the closet for a beautiful dress. I choose one of my favourite black dresses with some lace and put on some heels with it. Fifteen minutes later I stood in Doniyas house between a crowd of drunk people which I didn't even know half of. I was sitting on the couch which was moved aside to the wall to create a dance floor in the living room and sipping on my drink. I already missed my little private DVD evening with my favourite Christmas movies. I didn't really like drunk people that much, since I seemed to attract all the scum. If some drunk retard chooses to molest someone it always seemed to be me so I didn't like going out that much. So here I was just sitting on the couch hoping no one would notice me and hit on me. I sat there a while thinking when I last spent Christmas this way but I couldn't really remember since my Christmas ritual was to watch all kinds of completely cheesy movie which related to Christmas. My thoughts were disturbed when I felt the cushions of the couch dip beside me. The obstrusive smell of way to much alcohol instantly hit my nose and I didn't even bother looking at the person next to me just hoping he would go away and leave me alone or was just tired and would fall asleep. But as always my luck failed and I felt the person lean in closer, his breath hitting my neck and cheek stinking after beer and all kinds of alcohol. "Hey shorty how about you dance with me?" His voice gave me goose bumps and I instantly tensed. I didn't answer and hoped he'd just go away and find himself another girl. He adjusted himself in his seat and I thought that he was preparing for getting up but instead he slung his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Don't, let me go!", I hissed and tried to push him away and get myself out of his grasp. "Oh, so you do can talk and you're rigid." He laughed and pulled me closer so I was on his lap straddling him. Putting his lips on my neck as I tried to get away he whispered in my ear still chuckling. "That's exactly how I like 'em" As to proove what he said he tugged hard on my hip so I my hand slipped off his shoulder and I fell into him. I was struggling against the guy, while he kissed my neck and left dark marks on it. "Stop it!", I said and tried to push myself off him again. My attempt failed miserably since he had his arms slung around me and just made him chuckle and bite down again. Just as I was panicking that I wouldn't get out of this since nobody seemed to hear me over the loud music I felt a body lean in closer. A moment after that the hands of the guy were torn off my back and someone pulled me out of his grasp. Surprised and stunned I watched the guy who helped me, take my assaulter by his neck and pushed him through the crowd outside the door. Outside the drunk man struggled and got mad attacking the guy in the leather jacket who saved me. The drunkard took a harsh punch to the face which made him stumble and fall onto the icy ground. The raven haired boy bent down a bit and said some words, then turned around and came back in. I smiled at him. "Well thank you Zayn Malik for helping me out." He turned to look at me as he rearranged his hair. "No problem, (Y/N), haven't seen you in a long time!" He let his eyes wander over me as the words left his lips. "I can't say the same thing about you though since you're on tv 24/7." I winked at him while laughing. "But I can't believe that's really you since last time I've seen you in person you were a seventeen year old boy who still looked like fourteen." His eyes darkened at my words and he wrinkled his eyebrows at my words, something he did exactly the same way as he did years ago. Laughing I said: "I see you didn't change that much." Now his eyes were sparkling stubbornly and I instantly got that he could have misunderstood what I said. To him it must seem like I was referring to his looks when I really was talking about his character. "So I still look like a fourteen year old boy to you?" He was creeping closer and closer while his gaze was fixed on me. Intimidated by his sudden change of mood I moved away from him. "Even though I surmount you by at least seven inches?" He asked taking another step forward making me take one back. The negative vibes were killing me and the leather jacket he wore that made him look badass didn't help me to relax. "I-I did-" I began stuttering around while panicking and clearly couldn't find the words I wanted to say. "What?" He backed me up to a wall and now I was really afraid not sure anymore if the fame hadn't changed the little boy I learnt to know back then. My heart was beating rapidly as he leant down. "Do I still seem like a little child to you?" Feeling the warmth radiating of his body and looking up at his face that was so different from back than but still held the same eyes. You started a new try to explain yourself and getting him off you since you felt so intimidated by him and this was a completely new feeling of having Zayn around. "I-I really didn't mean it in that way!" You choked out trying to back off into the wall and letting your head hang, so you wouldn't have to look into his pervading eyes. Again you felt him move closer. "So then what did you mean to say other than that I still seem like a child to you?" He whispered beside my ear and I felt his breath hit my neck which gave me goose bumps. I took a deep breath to calm down and said in a cold voice. "I meant your personality, I was surprised you didn't seem to have changed through fame but as I see now I was wrong." Saying that I slipped out from inbetween Zayn and the wall and walked away into the kitchen again to get myself a drink. I really needed a drink right now to calm down after all that happened just now. I was sipping on my cup happily and enjoying the peace, since everybody was in the living room dancing, when I saw a dark figure walk in. I rolled my eyes and chose to ignore him. Glaring at him annoyed as he went over to the sink and turned on the tap. Cautiously he put his hand under the cold stream of water and rubbed it a bit while scrunching up his face. I quickly got some kitchen roll and walked over to him forgetting my anger as I saw what he was doing. After a while he turned the tap off and grabbed for a dirty dishcloth. I snatched it away with quick hands and started to dab his hand carefully so I wouldn't hurt him but still get it dry. When his hand was waterless again I looked up at him and got stuck at his dark brown eyes again. "Erm.. Wait a second I'm gonna fetch a bandage." I told him, biting my lip and breaking the awkward tension between us. Quickly I went into the bathroom and got some bandage from the shelf before returning back to Zayn who now sat on the counter sticking his eyes to me as soon as I entered the room. I took his big hand in my two much smaller ones again and started to coat his split bleeding knuckles in the clear white fabric. There was an uncomfortable silence between us so I started to talk again. "I'm really sorry you got hurt because of me, thank you again helping me out." I didn't look up since I felt his gaze linger on me. He chuckled a bit. "Like I said no problem! Nobody behaves that way in my house! It's disgusting, nobody should touch a girl that way when she doesn't ask for it." I smiled to myself happily, he was still the same Zayn I knew back from 3 years ago. The stubborn guy who always was protective over smaller ones and way to overprotective over his sisters. "Happy to see you still are the same person." I fixed the bandage and looked up at him still smiling. Big mistake since his eyes caught mine right away again as I straightened up again. "Nah, you were right, I'm not the same person that I was years ago, I did change." He admits as he gets off the counter filling the small space between it and me with his body. "I finally have guts to not run away anymore." He whispers while leaning in and closing the small space between us. His warm lips press to mine and even though I have never thought of Zayn in this way before it feels like something I've always wanted to do. So I find myself kissing him back greedily like I can't have enough of it. We don't part until we hear cheers from the other room, that's when Zayn parts our lips to rest his forehead against mine. "Merry Christmas, (Y/N)!" He whispers out of breath.

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