Scott and Isabella held hands as they hurriedly walked down the hall with Stiles at their sides, barely keeping up. Scott turned to Stiles as they rushed down the hallway, " We're going to go to the ice rink, see if he's there. And if he's not at home, you call me, got it?"

Stiles began slowing down, Isabella and Scott noticed immediately. They both stopped in their tracks and looked at Stiles with questioning stares as he stood still in the middle of the hallway. He had millions of emotions flowing off of him but the most prominent was hesitation.

Isabella rolled her eyes at Stiles and asked him in annoyance, " What? We don't have time for this, Stiles."

Stiles sighed and threw his hands up hopelessly,"Maybe we should let him. Boyd, you know, guys?" Stiles paused and gestured to Isabella,"You said Derek's giving them a choice, right?"

Isabella rolled her eyes again, "Yeah, and they're making a stupid choice. We can't let him do this Stiles. "

Without another word, Isabella turned on her heel and began walking again with Scott by her side and Stiles lagging behind. Stiles scoffed in annoyance and guested towards Scott as he completely ignored Isabella's comment, "You gotta admit, Erica looks pretty good. You know, the word "sensational" comes to mind."

Isabella immediately stopped and turned to Stiles angrily. She used her free hand that was not connected with Scott's and punched him hard in the shoulder. Stiles winced and grabbed his shoulder with a cry as soon as her fist collided into it.

Isabella pointed at him harshly and angrily spat out, " You say one more word about her being "sensational" and I'll kill you, Stiles.You know I don't like her."

Stiles flinched away from Isabella as they walked down the steps leading into another hallway in the school. Scott spoke up just as they were about to reach the parking lot doors and directed his words sternly towards Stiles, " How do you think she'll look with a wolfsbane bullet in her head?"

Stiles shook his head and said with a sigh, " All right, all I'm saying is maybe this one isn't totally your responsibility."

" They all are. And you know this thing's gonna get out of control. That makes me responsible." Scott said truthfully which made Isabella feel for him, she hated that he thought this was his fault when it really wasn't. It was all Derek's fault but if Scott wanted to blame it on himself, she figured she should take some of it too.

Stiles looked at Scott with doubt for a few moments before he took a deep sigh," All right, I'm with you. And I also gotta say this new - found heroism is making me very attracted to you."

Isabella gave Stiles a disgusted look as he said this. Scott was hers, he would never be with Mr.Adderall Overload. She supported men liking eachother but she had already taken Scott, he was not on the market. She knew he was joking but after Erica earlier that day, she was kinda in jealous girlfriend mode.

Scott chuckled to himself and shook his head as he pushed Stiles away from him, " Shut up."

"No, seriously. Do you wanna just try making out for a sec? Just to see how it feels."

This time it was Isabella who pushed Stiles away from Scott as he tried to make kissing faces at him. His back landed on the door with a thud and he gave her a glare before he walked out the door and held it open for her and Scott. As she walked past him, he held the glare on her intensely.

Isabella just smirked at him and patted him gently on the shoulder as she walked past,"Sorry Stiles, it's just that if anyone's gonna be making out with Scott it's gonna be me."

Stiles just rolled his eyes and walked away from them, going to his Jeep so he could go to Boyd's house.

Scott gave Isabella a look of disappointment as she turned to him. She raised her eyebrows in question and threw her hands up, " What?"

Safe Haven// Scott McCall 2 {UNDER HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now