Reveled once more.

Comincia dall'inizio

I reach the school gates and take a deep breath. I exhale heavily and start walking into the school and into the hallways. Such ugly hallways. I quickly take a glance at the clock on the wall and see the time. 9:45. Yep, I'm screwed. I power walk down the hallway until I see my classroom. I stop in front of the door, a little hesitant to open it, for I know hell awaits me on the other side. I sigh heavily and burst open the door with my foot. The door flung open and collided with the wall, causing a huge BA-BOOM to echo throughout the classroom. Girls gasped at my appearance while the guys chuckled. I mean, who wouldn't. My appearance was indeed horrible. My bow was missing an "ear", while the other "ear" was torn in a few places. My hair looked like I had just come out of a tornado. It had some twigs, leaf's, and feathers sticking out of it. My shirt lost its pure white color and is all wrinkly. My socks had enormous rips in a few places and were scrunched up. My shoes were faded of their color while the straps were slightly damaged.

Mrs. Meiko had concern written all over her face, but that concern soon turned into fury. I could see her face light up the color of red. I looked around the classroom to see students showing me faces of pity and fear. From this I knew something bad was going to happen. I swallowed down any courage I had and dared to look at Mrs. Meiko. She looked, but instead of yelling at me first, she narrowed her eyes at me and scanned my appearance. Then......she yelled at me.

"MS.KAGAMI! IF YOU THINK I WILL EXCUSE YOUR TARDY BY TRYING TO MAKE ME PITY YOU, YOU CAN FORGET IT!", she screeched. Her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard when she screams. I rolled my eyes and responded to her.

"Ya know, for a teacher, you're extremely vacuous. Only someone like you would think such an ignorant thought.", I taunted her with a smirk.

I heard light giggles from the girls and mini chuckles from the guys. I knew this was a sign that I was winning the battle. But was I winning the war? Well, I better move my pieces carefully or else my king will be put into checked-mate.

"Ms. Kagamine, please, just go take your seat.", Mrs. Meiko said, sighing in defeat.  

I smiled in triumph and headed over to my seat. I always knew Mrs. Meiko's king was easy to check-mate. After all, she never watched carefully as to where she placed her pieces. Anyone who doesn't watch carefully will have their king in check-mate. If that happens, its game over. I can see through everyone in this school, no matter if its good or bad. For example, Miku looks like a nice girl who wants to be everyone's friend on the outside, but on the inside, shes filled with jealousy and sorrow. I can't say I blame her though. Kaito has really been treating her like trash lately. And I'm going to do something about it. 

I break out of my thoughts and start paying attention to class, for once. Mrs. Meiko starts writing the words, "Festival Plans", on the board in huge, curly letters. She turns back to us and starts scanning the classroom for any absent students. No one was absent, so we went on with our day. 

"Ok class, as you all know, the school festival will be held tomorrow night at 6:00 PM sharp! So today, we will be decorating, cleaning, and practicing for the festival. I will assign each group a job.", Mrs. Meiko announces with a clap of her hands. 

With that, everyone got up and went to their groups. I simply turn my head to face Len. He does sit right next to me after all. So there was no reason for me to get up. I wait for him to snap out of his thoughts so we can get started. While waiting, I look around and try to spot Neru. After a while, I see Neru running up to me like a wolf being chased by a hunter. She stopped right in front of my desk before crashing into it. It seems she misplaced her pieces. Shes about to walk right into check-mate. Hee-hee.  

"Sorry Rin, I was texting on my phone and got distracted.", Neru explained.


"Its fine. Who were you texting anyways?" 

The Tutor And The PunkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora