part 1

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The camera focused on a beautiful big orphanage. Let Camera roles inside children are praying as it was 6 prayer time. A lady of 50's doing puja in small temple situated inside the house, she turned and gave Prasad to all children and moved towards a room.

Now we can see a small but beautiful room, all things are perfectly organised. There is a study table with lamp on corner, a small size bed and a single door cupboard. A girl came out from washroom rubbing her hair with towel in one hand while with other supported by walking stick, she was wearing simple white color long top chudidar, she stood in front of mirror and got ready.

Lady opened the door holding plate of puja and said: oh god shona beta don't tell me again you woke up late? (yes the girl is non other than swara gadodia )

Swara smiled sheepishly and came near lady kissed her cheek: Maa you know na i cant wake up soon. And you know my Maa Sharmishta Bose is so good, she never scold her Shona... And you know today I got dream about my prince but before I see his face that mini broke my sleep.. She always do this ahh..

Sharmishta smiled at her and gave Prasad: Lo have it.

Swara's face expression changed seeing Prasad(uninteresting tone): Maa you know I dont believe in stone still you everyday give me this..

Sharmishta: shona don't tell like that beta. He is all around us and protect us (swara gave i don't care look) OK have it as sweet not as Prasad as always... (she ate it)

Swara:Mmm yummy 😋 Maa

Sharmishta: OK come down and have your breakfast soon. Or you will get late for your first day in college

Swara: oh god i forgot about it (started to panic)oh god Maa I still didn't get ready, you na talk so much and wasted my time (Sharmishta give her you are unbelievable look and left from there)

Swara to herself: so Miss Swara Gadodia today you are going to start new life, I m so excited,I hope i will get good friends, and my Prince Charming 😍😍😍. But ha he should be lovely and handsome and sweet and romantic and (her list goes on when Sharmishta called her from down stairs to join them)
Swara And other children were having breakfast with Latha while workers were serving.

Swara was eating but got scared seeing something and shouted ahh save me momma 😦😦😦...

Sharmishta: what happened beta why are you shouting? Asked worriedly

Swara: Maa see here (said with scared voice) chip......chipkali ...

Sharmishta who was worried till now made funny faces hearing her: beta you shouted because of lizard.? How many time i had said no need to get scared of it... (and saw lizard which was on table, she took it but laughed after holding it) oh god Nandu again Mini fooled you, it's rubber lizard 😂😂.

Swara looked it her and then looked at a small girl who was smirking at her (childish smirk) she got angry: you Mini pini I will not leave you today....and started to walk towards that girl while mini ran in jet speed showing her tongue... Others burst into laughter Swara's red face
Swara entered into a big gate of college which is written as SPACE ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING COLLEGE.

Swara: Mmm finally my dream is in front of me. I have worked hard to get scholarship and today I m here, in my dream college 😘😘. I love you Space... Muaaahhh ..... He he I know you all must be thinking i m mad, and yes i m mad, I love to live my life fullest in every single moment. Who knows KAL HO NA HO, my Shah Rukh Khan famous line he he... I m mad for him, OK swara don't waste time by talking myself go and submit your documents to principal jaldi jaldi...

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