Chapter 6: The Injured

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Emily started to cry. "No," she said, struggling to get out of Molly's grip. "No!"

"Molly," Lissette said. "There must be a way to get out of this!"

"No there isn't," Molly said. She threw Emily to the ground and walked up to Lissette. "You should have let Dian kill him! He deserved to die!"

Lissette started to get mad. "Don't you say that about Kevin!"
Lissette punched Molly in the nose. Molly backed up, holding her nose, it was bleeding.

"You son of a bitch!" Molly yelled, tackling Lissette.

"Stop it!" Emily cried, running up to the girls, trying to break up the fight. But instead she got slapped across the face by Molly. Emily fell to the ground crying, holding her cheek.

Kevin couldn't take it anymore. Braden was looking at what was going on, Emily was crying, and Molly and Lissette where fighting. He got up still holding his right ear and yelled, "Enough!"

Braden looked at Kevin, Emily stopped crying, and Molly and Lissette stopped fighting. "Look what's happening to us," Kevin said. "We are fighting. Aren't we suppose to stick together? Be a team?"

"You are one to talk," Molly said getting up. "You caused this to happen! Your fucking sister broke my nose!"

"It wouldn't have happened if you hadn't fucking attacked Emily!" Kevin yelled.

Molly was about to say something, but she stopped. She looked at the teenager then attempted Emily. She then looked at Kevin. "Fuck you." Molly quickly walked away, then the kids all heard a door slam.

"That crazy bitch," Braden said kneeling down, opening the first aid kit. "Hey, Kevin, you wanna get fixed up or fucking die?"

Kevin smiled and walked over to his friend. Kevin knelt down as when and Braden expected Kevin's ear. "Can I get some fucking light here, because if not, this crazy El Salvadorian bastard will die!"

Emily got up and walked away into the darkness, the same direction Molly went. She brought out a flashlight end shinned it on Kevin's ear. "Thanks." Kevin said.

"No problem." Emily smiled.

"Okay," Braden started. "Don't freak out on me, but I need to stitch this shit up or it'll get infected. But at least the bullet only got you on the outside of your ear."

"Do what you have to do." Kevin said.

Braden nodded and got out the needle and string. While he was disinfecting it Lissette was looking at it with worry. "Don't worry," Kevin said, noticing Lissette. "Everything will be fine. If you don't want to look then you don't have to, okay?"

"Okay." Lissette said turning away.

"Lissette," Kevin said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Molly didn't hurt you badly?"



"Okay," Braden said, raising the needle to Kevin's ear. "You ready for this?"

"Yeah," Kevin sighed. "Let's get this over with."

"Okay," Braden said. "Here goes nothing." Braden stuck the need through one part on Kevin's ear. Kevin tried not to yell in pain, but instead he cringed in pain. He felt more blood rushing, but he had to suck it up, no doctors where here to help, they, like all grown-ups, turned into brainless infected.

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