The first and second trial

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Tord had, ever so kindly, given matt and Tom a small room that really just had a bed and bathroom. But it didn't matter much seeing as neither of them could sleep or even relax. Matt had been pacing for hours tom thought he would create a hole in the ground, so he finally made him sit down beside him.

"Tom..what if this is a mistake? We don't even know what tord wants us to do here, I mean, trials?? What does he even mean? Are we suddenly dropping into one of those movie scenarios where we need to survive challenges?!" He rubbed his face, making an annoyed sound
"Matt relax, everything will be fine. If it comes to that we can handle it. I won't let that commie hurt you. He's gotta go through me first." Tom gently patted matts shoulder, staring down at the ground after.

Silence filled the room for a long while, neither of them wanted to speak it seemed. Before they could anyway, Paul and patryck opened the door, leading the two out to a different, and much larger room. It was empty besides a gun resting on a small table in the very center of the room.

"Welcome boys, to your first challenge!" Tords voice boomed over the intercom, he was sitting in a booth with a grin on his lips "your first trial, is rather simple really. You must take the gun, and shoot each target in a certain time period. You have three chances to do so, but each time you fail..." he mused "you will be shocked, and may I add it's quite a painful experience so you better have good aim you two."

"Tom he has to be joking I can't shoot a gun! I can barely function with a bat sometimes!" Matt gripped toms sleeve, but received no answer from Tom. He had just picked up the gun curiously.
"Well.." he sighed "good thing my vision isn't quite gone yet"

"Oh don't worry matt,"

He froze

"You have to shoot as well. It'll be interchanging. Tom will go, then you, and back and forth until you each hit the targets in a timely manner. Now then, let's begin shall we? You have two minutes"

Let's be real, it did not take long for Tom to hit all the targets. If anything, he hit them all right away with over 30 seconds to spare. Matt though, oh he was panicking. After all, he literally had no idea how to use a gun. And only 2 minutes to shoot? He's screwed.
Once Tom had handed him the gun, matt became too trigger happy but he ended up shooting almost all of them, though before he could shoot the last two, a loud buzzer like sound went off, followed by three beeps before matt was shocked.
The ripple of electricity felt as if he were being stabbed by multiple people like Cesar was, but worse. So. So much worse. He didn't even realize how loud he had screamed or when he had fallen to the floor. But he was crying now, his entire body shaking like a leaf in the wind.

I can't move...

"Matt- matt are you okay?-" Tom had set the gun back on the table before carefully pulling matt into a somewhat sitting position, gently rubbing his back hoping to calm him from his shaking and at some points, sudden jolts.

"Too bad matt, you almost had it! Now then, be a brave boy and do it again. This time, don't fuck up." Tord sat back in his seat, tapping the desk in front of him

"This is nuts.." Tom muttered, getting up to grab the gun himself, but matt didn't let him. Rather he used tom to help himself stand up, even though his balance was a bit wobbly at first.
"No..Tom I can do this"

I can do this, this was my idea and if I back out now...

Matt raised the gun, waiting until the timer started once again before shooting each target, less spastic this time. Unfortunately, he missed just one target before the beeping, only two times this round, happened again. When he had fallen to his knees, he had this time grabbed the table for support so he didn't just suddenly collapse, Tom behind him trying to support him as much as he could, mumbling that it would be over soon. Just one more try.

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