Jade crawled backward until her back pressed against the trunk of a tree. She sat there, dazed and out of breath. She spit, but the metalic taste of blood never left her mouth. Phantom was nearly upon her when she told him to go back and check on the scout. She had to make sure he hadn't heard her. He resisted a moment before turning back around.

She sat in the darkness alone. The wet earth soaked through her pants but she didn't move. Jade simply focused on breathing and took the moment of silence to gather herself. She didn't reach out to Phantom or feel for his connection. She felt ashamed and angry and desired to be alone. Her hands curled into fists and she silently cursed herself.

You're useless and weak. You're not fit have Dryden blood in your veins. You're not fit to have a wolf by your side.

Jade hated herself for being angry at something she had no control over. But, Jade also hated herself for being weak and sick. She hated the attacks that had no explanation. Sitting there on the damp ground she hated everything.

She took a slow, deep breath and refocused her emotions and thoughts. Being angry had never solved anything. This was beyond her control. Phantom confirmed that the scout had not been alerted, they were safe. Nothing had been spoiled. She hadn't ruined the plan.

She got to her feet as Phantom approached. He licked her hand nervously and pressed himself against her until she took the time to comfort and assure him that she was alright. He licked her cheeks and chin until he felt better and together they made their way back to Chance so she could report to Lander what they had seen.

When Jade finished reporting Lander gave orders to the men. They would attack in the darkest hour of the morning. When the camp would be most unaware and hopefully most asleep. "Get some rest if you can," he ordered and the men dispersed.

"You too, Jade." Lander looked at her. "You've done well. I'll wake you when the time comes for us to move."

"You can take my tent for yourself while Lander and I make final preparations, " Merek offered.

"Very well," Jade conceded. She was tired and after her attack in the woods she felt more drained than ever. If she wanted to be sharp for a fight against Viper, she would need as much rest as she could get, even if it was only a few hours. Jade collapsed onto Merek's bed roll and pulled off her boots and weapons. Phantom waited until she was settled and then stretched out beside her and yawned widely, showing off his large tongue and sharp teeth. She curled her fingers in his fur and closed her eyes, willing sleep to come quickly.

Merek came to wake Jade a few hours later. He stood outside the tent and called her name until she opened her eyes. "Hmm?" she asked, disoriented. Phantom licked her cheek, bringing her to consciousness faster.

"It's time," Merek said. "I need to grab my sword, are you decent?"

"Yes," she said sitting up. Merek ducked through the flap of the tent. Apparently it had started raining again because his dark hair was sleek with water. It beaded off his clothes and onto the ground.

"What time is it?" she asked, grabbing her boots.

"A few hours before dawn," he answered, grabbing his sword. He took off his cloak and went on buckling it to his waist. Jade stood and also worked on securing her weapons. In the tight space of the tent neither of them had much room to move and Phantom wasn't helping. Jade grabbed her cloak from where she had used it as a pillow. "Jade?" Merek placed a hand on Jade's elbow and she paused. She looked up at him, realizing just how close they were and suddenly she was very aware of the fact that they were away from the eyes of anyone in camp.

Protector: Book 1  *NEW DRAFT*Where stories live. Discover now