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It was time for the hunt. He had a kidney now he needed the rest of the body. A shell would be a nice start. He found James. Asleep in the Wheel house, best if he stays that way but he would need to put the boy on ice. He lifted the boy in his arms and entered the hall. Everything was dark and ominous. The boat reeked of death. Bodies lie everywhere. He came face to face with the Hanna drone. "you're so close to being real sweet heart... cant you taste it?" He smiled. She laughed taking the body from him. "There is a soul in me... it is just damned..." She took James to the belly of the ship and locked him away. Patrick continued down the hall until he found Bailey standing over the body of one of her twins. She was crying. The other was nowhere to be found. "You know they were fucking right?" Patrick laughed resting against the wall. She gasped standing up and looking at him. "Oh no... there isn't a witch in sight to save you." she looked back at her baby. "Hes dead bitch." Bailey backed away in silence. He got ever so closer to her. " A pure, country raised, fried green tomatoes heart..." His grin had spiders in it. She tripped over a body and hit the ground. "Your boys... they were filthy. just like their father." She shook her head 'no.' He nodded. "Oh yes... he and zack had played together on countless occasions... which isn't nearly as horrific as Justin russos affliction but still... homosexual and incestuous. come on. Thats more than wrong its just... inhuman." He knelt down grabbing her hair and pulling her head back. "This will be quick. i promise." He sank his hand into her mouth past the lips down the throat and deep inside her rib-cage he pulled out her still beating heart. She tasted it just before her last breath escaped her lungs. He smiled looking at the open doorway that led to the balcony. The array of trees before him. "Proud Mason? Im finally doing my own dirty work."

Helen collided with Rocky. "Oh god please dont kill me." Helen begged. "Im not going to..." The dance star promised. She was okay. She had returned to normal. My friend CeeCee have you seen her?" The teen was frantic. 'No' Helen shook her head. "Come on." Said rocky as she pushed aside a few misplaced items, she gasped when she saw spencers decaying head. The entered a room with busted walls and furniture stowed everywhere. ducking in a corner was Geoff. The twin that lived. "Wheres my brother?" He asked. "I need him." Helen hid behind Rocky. "He uh... Hes gone... im sorry." Rocky had been the one to kill the little boy. The image fresh in her mind. Removing his tongue for the creation of 'ligero' Patrick's fusion. Geoff ducked into one of the holes in the wall. The two girls followed. "Parker built these on his first day here... he has a thing for tunnels." He spoke between his silent sobs. wiping his eyes and pushing ever forward. The doll music around them had her worried. They entered a room where porcelains were everywhere. A giant bed and on it, decaying was the body of Maddie. "Parker has been working on a Resurrection spell. He figured one out but it takes a lot of sacrifice." Geoff allowed them to look at her. Many of her organs had been removed and resting on the counter nearby in a jar was a liver. Labled 'Parker'. "He refuses to kill anyone... he simply waits till they die and harvests what he can. so far he got a bone from Carly, and eyes from Spencer." Resting on the bed next to her. "He is worried tho that he might re create another Hecate. The one that exists already is evil."

"That will be plenty of that..." Patrick was standing in the open hole of the tunnel. The three of them gasped. "Parker is playing with dark magic... a magic he is too young to understand." The spirit came forward and as Helen attempted to run out he snatched her and ripped from her mouth several teeth. She cried out at the pain but kept on running. "I need nine pints of blood... i cant take it from one of you or you can take your chances of survival if you both play." Patrick remembered his fathers obsession with the jigsaw films. the 9 pint trap was his favorite right next to the reverse bear trap. Helen didnt get far before Hanna grabbed her and continued to rip her entire jaw off and bending her bones in ways they should not be able to go. She died but not quickly. It was a terrifying matter. For both Hannah and Helen. Hannah promised that when she was human... her first tears would be for what she had done here today. This was a lot of sacrifice for something she did not understand.

Patrick allowed Rocky to escape, she was hesitant but Geoff insisted. He urged her to go on and Patrick hovered above him. Patrick possesed Geoffs body and had him sit in front of the vanity wall. All of the hair around him he sighed. "This is what you want?" Patrick asked looking around in the car he now drove. "you have strange desires young lad but i am more than willing to bring them to life before you die." He picked up the scizzors and begant ot cut his own hair. The music playing behind him he slipped on one of the wigs and in the mirror he disected his face. "You feel no pain." He assured as he opened the flesh and sewed together a beautiful master piece. Then with one last flick of his wrist he left the boys body watching as blood drained from Geoffs wrist into the jar down below. He knelt down connecting the I. V. from Maddies body to a bag. He stayed down here for another twenty minutes gathering this precious material. He then rested the body on the bed next to the girl and together they looked like sisters. Here forever in there souls premis. Maddies soul peered into the room in silence watching this hole monstrocity take place. As Patrick left she walked over to Geoffs body and crouched down. "Im so sorry." Duncan came into the room in his spirit form. Geoffs apparition rose from his body as the beautiful girl he always wanted to be. The two of them saw each other. "Dont look at me..." Geoff cried "you'll hate it" He hid from his twin but Duncan found him and placed a hand on his brothers jaw. "No... you're perfect."

Patrick's curse was almost complete. He had Parkers Liver, Balieys heart, James body, Maxs kidney, Geoffs blood, and Helens teeth... all that was left... was the brain. Who to take it from was the question. He needed someone brilliant, someone exciting, and most importantly someone diverse... he wanted a child. To never lose that sense of imagination his brother was gifted with. He pondered for a moment of which of the remaining victims would work the best... Then it hit him. Ravi. He needed to slay the Indian.

Everyone was gathered on deck. They waited in the cold. As the boat began getting rocky and the waves were crashing harder and harder. The bodys had piled up. The smell was horrific. Chelsea assisted Cody and Austin in dumping the bodys over board. There was nothing else that could be done. Lucy and Logan had made it to the nose by now. London however had gone missing. Dez, thanks to something online, was administering last rights to the fallen. Trish watched him with a look that said 'what the hell are you doing.' But he was honestly more serious about this than he had ever been in his entire life. Justin had gathered Parker, Zuri, Ravi, levi, Booker, and chloe all together with Ivy. Raven was feeling a feeling. A special feeling, one she knew all too well. As she watched Sam and Freddy lift Carly into their arms and tote her over board she felt her heart sink. This was it... They were all going to die on this stupid boat. Most of the spirits had left the ship. ascending or descending to wherever they needed to go. Some stayed but as of right now they were all hidden. Hidden from Patrick in fear that they would use them to kill more of them.

He did not... he showed himself. "I make a deal... ill have my drones leave you alone and ill even give these two back. He shoved Rocky and CeeCee forward. in exchange for the Indian boy. He completes my task and everyone can get onto the island and off this God forsaken ship." He had no emotion to his face. No life in his posture. Yet somehow managed to keep his physical form. Ravi stepped forward. He knelt down. "Do what you will..." Zuri cried out as justin picked her up and kept her close. "Shhh." He told her. "Ravi stop!" Justin walked away with her. From the Stair case Rocky and Cee Cee came running down. Ravi trudged up the stairs a grim look on his face. He took the hand of his assailant and Patrick rose them both into the air. "Everyone must witness... the final piece. Bring forth The diamond!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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