Icy waters

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Raven and Chelsea rounded a corner Levi was up ahead kneeling down in front of a young girl who was bleeding out on the floor. It was Chloe. Her hair was soaked in the thick red matter but it was hard to tell for she was naturally a ginger any way. She tilted her face to the side and looked at the boy. "Where is Stan?" She asked. A bark from a few yards down another set of corridors. The boy looked up from her and whistled. "Here boy!" He called. The dog trotted down the hall and stopped at her body. He nuzzled her. "Im not going to make it buddy." She held a hand up to his snout and he felt her touch. "You got this kiddo... stay with me." She began to cry. "I cant..." He whimpered and laid down next to her. "You belong to Booker now..." She sighed. Levi looked at the dog and the two of them nodded at each other. Resting deep in her abdomen was a busted desk from up above that had crashed through the ceiling.

Raven had a vision. Voices flashed in her head and all she saw were trees. "Booker!" She heard herself yell. She looked back at the kids before her and cried out. "Rae?" Asked chelsea. "Oh no..." The red head sighed. "We need to find Booker." Raven wiped her face and knelt down next to Chloe tying up her hair and placing her hands on the wood of the desk. She pulled it out of the girls abdomen and helped move her out of harms way. "come on sweetie." She lifted the girls corpse in her arms and carried her back to their bedroom resting her down on the bed Levi had slept on. She continued over to the dresser pulling out something to wrap around the girl and stop the bleeding. Chloe had become unconscious by now. Chelsea, out in the hall, saw Nia running by. "Nia?" The girl did not hear her. Reacting quickly the ginger followed her best friends daughter through the ship.

Chloe looked out the scully across the room. In the distance she saw an island. An island she so longed to exist on. She saw herself there. She felt the sand on her feet the call of the wild. She knew that the story ahead was a dangerous one. She knew that she needed to die for her character didn't deserve the evil that perched on that malicious island.

Pushing past a series of fallen Christmas trees and busted ornaments Raven and Levi made their way around the ship. They eventually found the Ledo deck which connected to the Barricades. "Were sinking..." Levi spoke as he knelt down pressing a hand in the cold liquid. "He is down there." Raven knew for sure, she saw it. Levi turned to her. "Booker has it too." He sighed. "What?" She asked faking her innocence again but it was to no avail. "He can see through time." She dropped her jaw. "How did you know about me?" She questioned looking him up and down. "Simple... the faces you make when it happens." The two of them climbed in and shut the door behind them.

Logan knocked on London's door. She swung it open "Hello?" She asked him looking him up and down. "I have to talk to you about your father." He spoke solemnly. She allowed him inside. Book in hand he rested it open on her desk pulling out a photo. "This is my mother." He pointed at a woman standing in the group of people. "Yeah... i remember her. Faintly however." London looked up at him. "My father has been collecting organs and selling them on the black market." Logan flipped through the pages. "I know its more than that..." She sighed. Then took the book from him and flipped through the book finding a specific page. "There is an island... You have heard of Manzana?" She asked. He thought of Mason. "What is he?" She smiled. "The black market? Thats funny..." She pointed to the picture. "The people who live in your home receive a great desire to create this 'abomination' in hopes that one day it will get to the island and fight the worlds greatest enemy. Your friend is Lost."

Ravi reared back his weapon and jumped off the balcony sinking it into his beloved pets rough outer layer of skin. He slid down her body with blood spraying all over the boat. Zuri charged and tackled the beast tying its claws down with the noose she had achieved from defeating her Bogart. Together they slayed the beast. Receiving a series of applause from the muggles around them. One of which had not made it. Austin, an internet pop star clutched in his arms the body of his beloved Ally. He cried out. "No... no... Please." Though it was far too late. Her rib cage had been crushed and her heart with it. "Is there something i can do?" He begged. Neither a witch nor wizard could repair her. "Id give my own ribs." He assured but everyone merely backed away. Their friends Trish and Dez knelt down and picked up the body. Carrying her to the side of the boat together as Austin looked away they dropped her over the side. "She always wanted to be buried at sea." Trish wiped away a tear.

Nia spurring past headed for the tip of the ship. She stepped over the railing and stood there absorbing the sun. She took a deep breath as the world circulated once without her. Chelsea was soon standing behind her. "Nia?" She asked. "Go away." With a snap. The girl turned her smooth face to her audience. "I cant... i just... cant." Camille was nearby standing with Jo. Lucy over by the bar. She looked around frantically for the face that could make all of this go away. They needed help.

Mason rose from the waters before Nia and stared her down. "Jump." He spoke as though lifeless. The water dripping from his brow like blood from a slit wrist down a victims forearm. She gasped and let go. Plummeting to the waters below the icy cold slicing her creating unseen wounds. After she fell the boy took a step onto the boat. The people on the deck staring at him like he was a monster. one foot in front of the other he made his way to the slayyed beast resting before the steps to the higher decks. He placed a hand on its rough scales and knelt down shutting his eyes. The creature shrank in size and he lifted it in his arms passing it to Ravi. "Death is important... she is not gone forever. She will return but only through someone elses story." He assured. "Why Nia?" Chelsea came up behind him. He ducked as she swung to grab him. He in turn grabbed her. Holding her fist in his hand he allowed the flakes in his purple skin to glow. The whole ship began to shake and they docked. The sun sank behind the horizon and the moon rose high in the sky. "Your only hope is Carlos." With that he swan dove into the waters and climbed the shore to the island he landed on. He rose a hand into the sky and the stones hovered and circulated once before they collided into the rainbow diamond and shone brightly through the darkness. A shield enveloped the boat. No one gets in... no one gets out... that is until one of the stones in his fusion parish.

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