“But she chose me. She chose to be here. She’s happy. I even gave her a dog--”

“You gave her a Hellhound?” Reven yelled.

“It keeps her safe when I’m not around.”

“Did you ever tell her the other choice?”

“What other choice?”

“Don’t play stupid, Lucien. We both know how she can get to Heaven.”

“I won’t let him take her away from me!” Lucien’s voice grew louder with every word.

“You are so selfish. If you really loved her, you would see that the only way she can continue existing, is if she’s in Heaven.”

“She’s fine here.”

“No, she’s not. You’re in denial. All she has to do is pray and he will --”

I peeked around the corner, eyes wide with shock. Lucien had his back to me, but Reven saw me. I mouthed “no.”

“Shut up, Reven.”


“Goodbye, brother.”

Reven looked up at me with tears in his eyes. “Just tell Aimee I love her and I always will. For eternity.”

“I love you too.” I mouthed and blew him a kiss.

Lucien cut the connection but stayed in the kitchen, hunched over and gripping the counter. I made my hair messy and put on a tired look. Walking into the room, I yawned and asked, “Lucien, what are you doing up?”

“Oh, nothing. I was just hungry.”

“I can make you something if you want.”

“No, it’s fine. I’ve already ate. Thank you for offering, though. Let’s just go back to bed. I can tell you’re exhausted.”

On the way up the stairs, I asked him, “I’m curious, how long have I been here?”

He pretended to count in his head. “Two months.”

“What has the world been doing?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I just want to know. World peace was my biggest achievement.”

“It’s doing pretty good, actually. The angels have been keeping it in check. No major problems so far.” He laid down with me in bed and soon he was asleep once again.

Sleep did not come to me that night. The same thoughts kept repeating in my head.

All I have to do is pray?

Venus is a Hellhound? What does that even mean? Reven freaked out so I’m assuming it’s a bad thing.

Why has Lucien been lying to me?

I made a promise to Lucien, and I do think I love him.

But, Reven…

What is going to happen if I stay here?

Will I deteriorate like Reven says?

Or will I stay myself like Lucien says?

Can my life, or death, be less complicated? For once?

I eventually got some sleep but it wasn’t restful. I tossed and turned. The following morning, I told Lucien I didn’t want to do anything today. I wanted to be lazy. I picked up a random book but my thoughts were still storming inside my head.

The Damned Holies (The Fallen Wars 1)Where stories live. Discover now