An Epilogue

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Prem stepped out onto the terrace and breathed in the ocean air. The sun's warmth kissed his skin and it sent tingles down his spine and prickled his senses.

He closed his eyes. The quiet and the stillness surrounded him. He was glad he could come back to Hawaii. The air had a hint of moisture and salt and he liked the way it made his body feel. He felt safe there.

Arms snaked around his middle. A familiar embrace that he welcomed and leaned into.

"You're up early," Prem started, finally opening his eyes. He turned around in the hold and lazily wrapped his arms around the other's neck.

"I heard you come out here," Wad mewed before nuzzling his nose into his weak spot, right underneath his ear. Prem would never get used to Wad's touch; another shiver went down his spine. Prem hummed against Wad's hair. "I'm glad we're here," Wad whispered.


Wad's eyes opened slowly. The light was harsh but a shadow looming over him came into view. Wad brought up his hands to rub his face.

"Oh, Wad, thank fuck," a familiar voice exclaimed before he was wrapped up in someone's arms. Wad breathed in Prem's scent, bringing his arms around him in reciprocation. He felt Prem crying against him.

"Baby, what's wrong? I'm fine, see?" Wad pulled away. He didn't remember what had happened exactly. He was with Knot and... Din was there and then... nothing. He saw Prem's face was stained with tears once he finally got into his eye-line.

"Y-you weren't fine. I did something, W-wad, something bad. I was selfish, I-I," he sobbed and stuttered. And then Wad tasted it. It was foul and metallic.

"Prem," He croaked out as the realization sunk in, "you..." Prem had turned him. He let out another sob and buried his face into Wad's chest. He kept muttering an apology into Wad's shirt and Wad tentatively ran his fingers through Prem's hair. "It's okay," he told him, "it's okay Prem, I'm not mad. Thank you." His voice cracked. "Thank you so much for saving me."

"I'll fucking kill you!" All eyes turned to the forgotten Din. His eyes were filled with a raging fire and it was Tew who stepped away from Knot's embrace before walking right up to the man still writhing on the ground. His jaw clenched as Din spat at him. "You're just as bad as the rest of them. The three of them, vampires! They don't deserve—" Tew cut him off, swiftly stomping his foot down on Din's already mangled leg. The scream reverberated through the trees.

"I'd like to see you try," Tew seethed.

Knot was suddenly behind him again, wrapping his arms around Tew's chest. "We need to go. Now," he said before dragging Tew away from the man, who looked like he was about to pass out. "Lets go!"


Tew lazily stirred the contents of the pan, humming a song Knot didn't recognize. He was sat at the counter in their cozy bungalow, pretending to work on his laptop but was actually just watching Tew.

"I can feel you staring at me you big lug," Tew said without even turning around. Knot chuckled lightly at him.

"Stop giving me something to look at."


"I'm coming with you. You can't... you can't just leave me behind!" Tew tried not to let the sadness he felt reach his voice.

They had all went back to the condo to start packing up what they could, and Tew started gathering his belongings as well. Most of his things were at the condo at that point anyway.

"Tew..." it was Knot that confronted him. "You have a life here. A job and a family. You don't have to come with us."

"I want to," he replied, his fist clenching and unclenching by his side.

"Why?" Knot asked, throwing his hands up in frustration. Tew just looked at him, long and hard, unwavering.

"You know why," he said confidently before getting right up into Knot's space, grabbing the collar of his shirt, and smashing his lips against Knot's. It wasn't soft, it wasn't romantic, it wasn't anything a first kiss should have been.

Knot knew it shouldn't have shocked him but he needed to steady himself as it happened. He shouldn't. He couldn't. He didn't want do that to Tew, to put him through the pain of loving a vampire.

But his hands were in Knot's hair and he was just so weak. He let himself kiss Tew back, because that's what he really wanted to do.

It was messy and impromptu and oddly appropriate for them.

Tew pulled back, breathing labored, and looked Knot dead in the eye. "Try to tell me I'm not coming with you." His face was flushed and Knot couldn't help but swipe his thumb over Tew's reddening cheekbone.

"Hurry up and pack. It's going to be a long flight."


They found a place to live pretty easily. Tourists were thinning out for the season and apartments and bungalows were up for rent. And they settled in.

Knot and Prem still had their freelance work, and Tew managed to get a nursing position almost instantaneously, since there's a high demand on the remote island. Wad found work in a clothing shop and that started his affinity towards gaudy Hawaiian shirts.

They quickly fell back into routine on the island.

"Smells wonderful, Tew," Wad said as he and Prem made their way through the threshold. Tew beamed at him.

"Ah, I'm trying something new. It's from that cookbook you got for me. Hawaii has a lot of classic dishes I've never even thought to try before," he rambled. Wad smiled at him before taking a seat at the counter as well. Prem stood behind him, draping his arms around Wad's shoulders.

"Have you decided what you want to do for your birthday, love?" Knot asked him, trying not to sound too eager. Tew chuckled lightly as he took the pan off the heat.

"We could go spend a day at the resort, live like we're fancy for a short period of time," Tew replied.

"That sounds like an awesome idea," Wad said. Prem's chin was resting on the top of his head and he felt him nod in agreement. "I haven't been a vampire too long so I still know how to bake a cake. These two can try and help me, too."

"Yes! Please, I mean. I've always been a sucker for sweets," Tew cooed, plating up his dish before digging in.

The conversation that followed was comfortable and inherently them. Tew ate and talked with his friends and boyfriend. Knot watched Tew with stars in his eyes, and Prem and Wad couldn't keep their hands off of each other.

They were able to be themselves with each other on the serene island.

They collectively decided they liked laying low and enjoyed the peace and quiet.




Author's Note: Lovlies! It's complete! It took a couple tries but I'm seriously happy with the ending. I can't believe you all thought I'd kill Wad 😂 also my vampires are terrible vampires, they love the sun and the daytime because they're mine 💕

Thank you everyone for reading and voting, I'm seriously so proud of this work and I'm so glad people enjoyed it.

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