CH25: The isolated girl

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Year 845

My foot steps echoed in the alley way while I carried my little brother through onto the screaming streets. I had heard that there was a boat near the entrance of wall Maria that would take the civilians in, I had to rush there or I'd be too late.
The Titans were invading fast. I didn't even imagine how'd they did it, they just did and I couldn't believe it.
After years of hardship trying to raise my brother and I after our parents were murdered, now this happens? What have we done to deserve this?
The creatures were walking all over the town. People cried helplessly as they were grabbed, eaten, or worse torn apart as their blood splattered every where. But all I did was run as fast as my legs could carry me, past all the gruesome sights, all the rubble and the dirtied windows.
I saw the boat docks almost immediately as I turned the corner. It had a been a while since the Titans came, would they still have room for us?
When we arrived I was so relieved, but only to find it had been cut short almost immediately.

"I'm sorry, there is not room," the soldier said as he shook his head.
I couldn't believe my ears, after all that effort, we came here to just meet our deaths?
"No! It can't be! At least let my brother on! Please!" I begged as my brother hid frightened behind my jacket. The soldier looked at us pitifully and kept on shaking his head.
"I'm sorry, I wish I could do something but-"
Before he could finish I heard someone land beside me. I whipped around to see an injured soldier carrying a girl my age with brown long hair.
I looked as one of the higher ranked soldiers ran to them and talked.
They looked like they were bickering some matter.
"Let her on the boat,"
"Sorry I can't,"
My heart fell, she was in the same situation as me. Or as I thought.
I bit my lip and ran with my brother trailing behind me. If they can't help us, then we'll just help our-selves, I couldn't stand being three anymore.
I stopped and looked back to observe what would happen to the girl.
My heart skipped a beat as I saw her board the packed boat.
But why?
Why was she allowed to to but we weren't? I thought she was going to be like me, abandoned while no one cared. I didn't understand at all.
Suddenly I heard a rumbling behind me.
The tremors echoed through the deserted town. In an instant I saw a humungous titan walk through the streets, canons seemed to be firing at it as we ducked for cover.
It was much like the colossal titan but had skin and was much smaller but more muscular. It suddenly took a run stance and charged at a fast speed, the canon balls exploded harmlessly off its armour like skin.
It kept on running, towards the wall. Within a second, a huge crashing sound was heard as it burst through the wall effortlessly,rubble fell as the titan exhumed steam from its mouth and stood up.
I stared, scared to my wits, they just broke into wall Maria. What else?
Now the Titans were going to invade that part as well.
Every thing was going into havoc. Now the citizens on that boat are probably gonna reside in a much safer place.
My blood boiled in my head. I was angry, jealous, how did the girl get this privilege?
She looked like any ordinary citizen. She was fine, she didn't have to take care of another sibling and surviving on her own.
I hated it.
I hated her.

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