Talk Things Out

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It was the end of the day for college, Tracy was waiting outside for Kathy, when she saw that beautiful girl from the supermarket. They began to talk about why they were at the College, when Kathy came out and saw that Tracy was talking to a beautiful girl. This behavior caused Kathy to become jealous... she walked to her car without looking at Tracy. Tracy saw that Kathy was acting a bit differently now that she was talking to this girl...

Tracy's POV...

"Everything ok?" The girl asked me as she gave me a cute smile.

"Yeah , just my girlfriend acting jealous..." I lied. The girl laughed as she heard Kathy honk her horn. I have to admit, Kathy is funny when she gets stupid jealous...

"Selena..." she said as she held out her hand.

"I'm Tracy... well I'll see you around Selena..." I said as she nodded.

"Sure thing Tracy, if you want we can hang tomorrow... see you later alligator."

"In a while crocodile " I said with a smile as I walked to Kathy's car. When I got in, Kathy seemed a bit upset but, she failed at trying to hide it.

"What is it?" I asked her as she shook her head.

"It's nothing... " Kathy said in her serious tone.

"Your jealous aren't you?" I smiled at her as she rolled her eyes.
"I'm not-"

"Yes you are! You're totally jealous?!" I started to laugh as she pulled out of the parked space. She tried to ignore what I said but I wanted to play with her.

"I'm not jealous... just leave it..."

"If you're not jealous... why are you mad?" I asked with a smirk.

"Ok fine! I am jealous... I'm so fucking jealous of that girl because maybe you deserve her and not me... she seems better than me and she looks like she can love you more than me... and maybe I don't deserve another chance with you because I was weak and fucked up... happy now?!" She said as she pulled up at a stop sign. I could tell she still loved me. It'll take some time to trust her again... I still love her.

"Well..." I spoke. "For you're information, I don't like her in a dating sense, I told her that you were my girlfriend and that you get stupid jealous... so..." I held her free hand as she relaxed. "That's how I feel... I still have feelings for you... Her name is Selena, and we are just friends... so do me a favor, and relax?" Kathy nodded her head as I smiled . My feelings for Kathy are going to stay for a while, I just need to gain her trust again.

"I ... ok I will" I have to admit, I loved seeing her uneasy, but she needs to chill. As we pulled up to the plaza driveway, Kathy turned everything off and grabbed her things.

"I'm sorry for hitting you..." I apologized." I was just... I had a mixture of emotions-" Kathy cut me off with a hug.

"Listen, I don't blame you... it's ok ... you deserve to be mad, happy, sad, anything at this point. I was a coward and I abandoned everyone ... and ... if Angel was alive she would probably smack me to." We both laughed at that last comment. I held her face in my hands as she smiled in them, when our eyes met, I couldn't take it anymore... her beautiful eyes peered into my eyes and into my soul. I felt like it was the first time that we met again... I felt my face grow hot as she giggled at me. As we got out she locked the car door behind us and we walked in. It was Jonnys day off so someone else was working his shift.

As we walked into my apartment, I took Kathy's coat and hung it up. She kinda looked nervous, but she relaxed as she sat on my couch.

"Do you want something to drink or something to eat?" I asked as I walked to the kitchen.

I Can't Think Without U (Tracy x Kathy)Where stories live. Discover now