New Beginning

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A few moments later:
June 27,2017...

Even though , this has been a crazy senior year... I know that slowly my heart will move on... but, me not knowing if Kathy is ok... worries me... but...

I can't do anything about that...

She's gone and I can't worry anymore... she left me in the dust. She chose that root... and I have my own path to follow now... I just want to graduate and leave the past behind me... I know this might sound messed up but, sometimes I wish I didn't fall in love with Kathy Davis... No, correction... Ms. Kathy, who used to be my teacher... in all honesty... Kathy has been in my mind for a long time, and these thoughts don't let me sleep at night. I toss and turn at night with Kathy in my head. Sometimes I feel like I can't think without her because, sometimes I space out, and I even forget something's... I don't know what is wrong with me... Kathy , why have you bewitched me?...

As I stare at the ceiling, I hear my alarm go off , I got annoyed so I slammed my hand on it...
"Damn stupid alarm..." I said as I got up and stretched. After that stretch , I took my phone off of my charger and checked it...

1 new message: Jade 🌈

Yo! I hope your ready for the big day ! We're finally graduating hun! I'll see you at the ceremony! I love you 💕

1 new message: Judy 🦊

Hey sweetie! I am so happy that we are graduating together... I know you might hate this but... I'm sorry about Kathy... I know you miss her, we all do... you never know,she might come back... Anyway, I'll see you at the ceremony! Bye bye!

I had a faint smile as I put my phone down. I felt tears streaming down my face as I thought of Kathy... I want this pain to go away. But a few moments later I heard my dad from downstairs.
"Sweetie! Breakfast is ready!" I heard dads faint voice through my bedroom door.
"Ill be down in a minute !" I shouted as I got my graduation items ready for later. I couldn't believe that I was graduating! My mind was flooded with joy and excitement... and where ever Kathy is... she would be proud of me.
A few moments later, I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw my parents smiling at me.
"Hi honey, did you sleep well?" My mom asked as she kissed my cheek and served my breakfast. I nodded a yes to her and began to eat. I could tell they were still worried about me.
"Tracy?..." my dad said as he grabbed my hand. I just starred at my breakfast at that point.
"Dad, I'm ok... I just want to graduate and leave the past in the past." I gave him a small smile and he kissed my cheek. I felt my mom kiss the top of my head as I laughed.
"We understand honey, let's change the subject... what time do we have to be at the ceremony?" My mom asked as she survived herself and my Dad breakfast.
"Well since there prepping now, Mrs. Noris told us to be at the school by 3:30pm. That will be enough time for the seniors to get ready " I stated. My parents looked so happy that I was going to graduate. I was proud of myself already.

After we all ate, mom told me to go take a shower. I did as I was told and took a shower. As I felt the warm water hit me , I started to have a flashback ...

"You look adorable when you shower baby " Kat said as she kissed the back of my neck. I remember that day, it was after our second date. I wanted Kat to take a shower with me because I wanted her close...
"I love it when you're close to me" I said as I turned around and kissed her slowly. I remember when she used to be silly and tickle me as I rinsed the water off. And we used to hold each other under the water .

"Kathy is gone, Kathy is gone, Kathy is gone" I chanted to myself as I tried to forget... but couldn't...when me and Vanessa was together, I got over her... I shed tears over the situation but, my heart didn't feel broken over her... but now my heart is broken over Kathy... did I truly fall in love with Kathy Davis?
Did she really have this affect on me?.

I Can't Think Without U (Tracy x Kathy)Where stories live. Discover now