Goodbye, I Guess....

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Stiles has lived for a good seven years, he has a nice house, goes to a decent school, and has the bestest friend in the whole wide world. Everyone says that, but he knows it's the truth, because Derek Sebastian Hale is the greatest best friend anyone can ask for. He's tall, brave, and smart. He's almost two years older than Stiles, and he still loves to play with him. He helps Stiles build blanket forts, and can somehow talk Stiles' parents into letting him stay over at the Hale House on the weekends.

Man, is that place a wild ride. Stiles lives at home with a mom and a dad, but Derek has a huge house with a ginormous family. He has a mom, a dad, three sisters, two older and one younger, and two brothers, one older and the other younger. He's the best big brother to his younger siblings, Stiles has seen it in action. He's like a knight in shining armor, Stiles is pretty sure that one day, he's going to be a superhero.

Maybe they could be superhero's together!!!

"Come along, Batman!" Derek puffs out his chest, he's clad in his brand new Superman cape and t-shirt. Stiles is wearing his own Batman shirt and cape, along with the mask his father had gotten him for his birthday. Derek peeks around the corner, down the hallway towards the kitchen. He presses a finger to his lip as Stiles ambles up behind him, the younger nodding eagerly.

"I think there's a dastardly plot playing out in the kitchen." Superman hisses, Batman's eyes widen dramatically.

"Wait, time out, Der. What does das-stard-ly mean?" Stiles asks, clasping his cape in one hand as he fidgets.

Derek rolls his eyes, but then smiles gently. "It means evil." He explains with a shrug, and Stiles nods once more.

"Oh no!" He exclaims softly, falling back into character.

"Exactly, I think there are cookies being made without us." He murmurs.

"No!" Stiles gasps, Derek gives a grave nod.

"I believe it to be true." The older sighs, Stiles smiles a little. Derek was so good at pretend.

They creep into the kitchen, and Derek jumps out, Stiles right behind him.

"Halt, fiend! You're under arrest for not sharing your cookies!" He calls out, Stiles' mother turns around with an exaggerated gasp, she drops down to one knee with her hands clasped together.

"I'm so sorry, Superman. Please don't put me away, I have a husband and a son to take care of. I've got extra cookies to share, I swear." She tells them seriously, Derek gives her a considering look before smirking.

"It's okay Mama Stiles." He shrugs, before leaning forward to press a kiss to her cheek. Derek couldn't pronounce Stilinski, and when he was even younger, he couldn't pronounce Stiles' real name. So 'Stiles' had come about, and that branded Claudia 'Mama Stiles' and Stiles' father became 'Papa Stiles'. The two never minded, Derek was like a son to them, he never strayed from Stiles' side.

"So, I'm not under arrest?" She asks, Stiles shakes his head and moves forwards to hug her.

"No, mommy. I'd never let you get are-arrested." The boy assures with a giggle as he's lifted off the ground.

"Good, now how about some cookies?" She smiles, Derek sprints over to the kitchen table and pulls out one, two, three chairs. He scrambles into one, leaving the other two for Stiles and his mother.

"Thank you very much, Derek." Claudia tells him, setting Stiles in one seat and moving to grab a plate of cookies off the counter.

"You're very welcome." The boy replies with a dimpled grin, she places the cookies on the table and walks away to grab the milk.

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