*Chapter 14*

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Kai's POV~

Nia was at the store getting something to cook for dinner. I decided to go on Vlive and give the Exo-Ls a warning

"Hey guys today I'm just giving you supposedly Exo-Ls a warning Nia was getting some text messages from an unknown number last night and who ever it was told her not to tell me and now I know so whoever it is better come clean or else"

I saw a whole bunch of comments saying that it wasn't them

"Just warning you guys Bye"

I ended the Vlive I still didn't know who is was so I was still pretty pissed

Your POV~

You walked in the dorm and in the room and saw that Kai just did a Vlive

"Really Kai"

"I gave them a warning"

You phone then dinged

Unknown~You disobeyed me, but I will give you a second chance meet me at the cafe around the corner from Exo' s dorm COME ALONE and you will find out who I am

You gave Kai the phone

"I'm coming with you"

"No they said come alone"

"Nia I need to know who this is doing this to you"

"Fine but you have to be out of sight. So I'll drive you lay down in the back of the car and come in a little later than me"

You guys got in the car and drive to the cafe. When you guys got there you texted the number

Nia~I'm here

Unknown~come inside

You walked inside the cafe and sat down at an empty booth

Nia~where r u

The unknown number didn't text back instead they called


A deep voice was on the phone and you couldn't tell who it was because they obviously masked their voice"Nia you once again disobeyed me"

"What are you talking about"

"I said come alone"

"I am alone"

"So Kai isn't in the car you pulled up in"

"I have no idea what you're talking about"

The unknown person let out a deep sigh"you really think I'm playing with you don't you"

"I know you're playing with me trying to get inside my head and I'm not taking you seriously"

"Okay then you won't mind me telling EXO-LS that you got Chanyeol drunk, forced him to fuck you and now you're pregnant with his baby"

"I didn't get him drunk or forced him it happened on its on"

"It sounds crazy but they would believe me over you anytime"

"No they wouldn't"

"Nia take my word go home and think about what decision you're going to make"

You hung up the phone and walked out to the car

"Nia what happened"

"The person knew you came but i dont even how"

"It's okay let's just go home now"

Time Skip~
At the dorm~

"Kai I need to talk to Kris about this"

"Why him"

"Now is not the time to get jealous and besides he knows alot of people and maybe just maybe he can help Kai"

"How are you going to talk to him"

You waved your phone in the air

"He gave you his number!!!???"

"Yes Kai he did"

You dialed the number in the phone and it started ringing and you put it on speaker for Kai to hear


"Hey Kris it's Nia I need to talk to you"

"About what"

"Some crazy person has been texting me crazy messages and telling me what to do"

"Okay calm down, is there anything specific that they said"

"Well first I have to listen to everything that they tell me or someone I love alot will get hurt badly"

Kris started laughing wildly on the other side of the phone

"Its not funny it's serious"

"Oh my God, you know that's just some crazy EXO-L doing that right they are not going to hurt you. Trust me they do it all the time"

Kai spoke up"Well even if it is we need to address this issue and stop this because whoever it was had Nia in tears"

"Well hello to you too Kai. Listen don't do it dont go thru all that trouble to stop some crazy guy or girl it's not that serious"

"Okay yeah bye"You hung up the phone

Kris's POV~

Nia hung up and i let out a deep sigh I'm so glad that didn't go wrong she could be found out

I'm so glad I gave her my old number

"Oh Nia you just don't know how much i love you do you" I said to myself

"I love you so much I'm actually considering kidnapping you"I let out a deep sigh and just sat there thinking what I was going to do next

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