*Chapter 10*

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The Next Day~
Kai's POV~

I woke up with my hands around Nia's waist. I grazed my hand over her stomach and felt a small baby bump

I had a whole day planned for us so while she was sleeping I took the opportunity to take a shower and get dressed

I took an outfit out for Nia to wear today as well:

When i was done showering and brushing my teeth I heard Nia shuffling around and she got up

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When i was done showering and brushing my teeth I heard Nia shuffling around and she got up

Your POV~

When you woke up you saw an outfit already picked out for you

You walked in the bathroom where Kai was"Good Morning Princess"He placed a kiss on your lips

"Morning"You replied

"Kai is there a photo shoot or anything going on special today"

"Not really why did you ask"

"Well there are clothes on the bed for me already"

"That's a surprise, you have to get dressed in order for me to take you anywhere so go get showered"


Kai walked out and closed the door

You showered, washed your hair, brushed your teeth and went in the room

Kai was making up the bed and handed you your clothes

"When your done come outside I'll be in the car"

"Oh ok"

You looked at the outfit and smiled
'I should be able to fit in this, my baby bump is not big yet'you thought to yourself

You got dressed and walked outside. Kai was standing right outside the door waiting for you to take his hand

You looked down and saw rose petals on the ground leading to the car

"Kai you didn't have to do all this for me you know that right"

"You always say that I just want to treat you to a special day"

He walked you to the car and opened the door so you could get in

He got in the car and drove off

"Where are we going"

"I'm not telling you wait till we get to the place"

A few minutes later you guys pulled up at what looked like a very fancy restaurant

"Umm Kai don't you think I'm little underdressed"

"We're just coming here for breakfast, it's not that serious"

He parked, got out the car and came to your side and opened the door up letting you out

"Okay that's fine then"

You guys walked in the restaurant sat down and ordered

Time Skip[After You were done eating]~
In the car~

"Kai where are we going now"



"I've never been to a mall in South Korea before"

He chuckled softly

You went into the mall holding hands

"What about the fans that weren't so nice they still don't know that I'm pregnant and who got me pregnant"

"Nia listen to me it's okay they can't really see your baby bump"

"But I'm almost at a month"

"Ahh you worry alot"

"Not as much as you"

Kai laughed and pulled you to a store that you've never seen before

"What is this store"

"Its where all of the EXO members get most of there clothes so it's cool and not expensive"

"I don't wanna come here I think I'm going to Forever 21"

"Ok I'll meet you there"

You walked down to Forever 21 and fans of EXO screamed some asked to take pictures with you. You felt so special

Finally you were at the store when you walked in you started looking around knowing that you won't be able to fit most of this stuff for song time

Kai snuck up on you and scared you

You screamed lightly "Kai don't do that"

He laughed really hard

"I'm sorry, I'll help you shop for some clothes" He turned around and started looking for clothes for you

You turned around and bumped into a tall figure you followed the body until you met his face

"OH. MY. GOD. I haven't seen you in so long"

Kai turned around"Nia who are you-" "Oh my God"

A.N. I already know who Nia bumped into but comment who you think it is

Park Chanyeol Got Me Pregnant!!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant