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SETH’s/Ace’s POV


I met this girl, actually I bumped on her hahaha that’s right I really did it it’s not an accident I actually did it.

I don’t know why but I am attracted to her.

“Oh! I’m so sor---“she said.

“Hey miss, are you okay? I-I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to bumped you. Ah-hello?” I waved my hand in front of her so she could notice me, but it didn’t work.

What happened to her?

 I looked at my watch it’s almost time.

“I got to go, I’m so sorry again” so I go ahead and leave her after picking and helping her with her things, she didn’t even noticed that I was gone.

And when I reach the classroom, it turns out that she is my classmate.

Fate has been good to me today!

She is also the sister of kuya Aries yeah I call him kuya because he is older that I. hehehe. His sister is so cute..

I wonder if we could be friends J


I got to class on time I find a seat, as I look at the person to my left, I can’t believe how great my day is.

Mr. Handsome is seating right next to me!! (So kilig!)

I turn back to fix my things when he speak. “Hey!” “Oh Hello!” I greeted back with a smile.

“About what happened earlier, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to bump you-. “ My gosh he is so cute I could stare at this face all day.

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