"No fair! I want to sleep with-ouch!!" The annoying voice of Prussia yelled out. I let a moan and shifted in the arms of.....wait arms!!

My eyes snapped open and I flung strait up. I had seceded on earning a yelp from the sleeping Italian. He sat up in a hurry. I remembered what had happened last night.

"Bella! What's wrong? Did you have another bad dream?" Italy asked as he glomped me and hugged me comfortingly.

"Oh, no. They startled me. That's all." I mutter and look at the countries that surrounded us.

"Sorry (C/N), Italy. I tried to tell zhem to leave you alone." Germany said as he shot a glare at the other nations. I sighed and shook my head.

"Nah, Its fine. We probably should wake up any ways." I say as I stand up, leaving the warmth of the covers.

~~~~~~(Mini Time Skip to the Meeting)~~~~~

"Well, every one is rested. Shall we begin our conference now?" Germany said from the other end of the table.

"Sure. I'm full and I am not tired any more. Be my guest." Russia said as he smiled. I was sitting between him and China.

China was in the middle of messing around with my hair since I had not bothered to do anything with it.

"Italy's food is so good. He's been working so hard. I'm impressed." China said as he brushed my hair. The said Italian smiled and blushed.

"He he! Thanks!" Italy said bashfully.

"Well, who's going to speak first?" France asked getting jealous of all the complements of the Italians food.

Every one was quiet till Canada spoke up. Every one turned their head to the Canadian man. (Surprisingly)

"This all started from a single word from you, but you have nothing to do with the thing, do you? Is it safe to assume that its a coincident that it looks like Tony? That's all I want you to confirm." Canada asked. He had a look that said if this was a prank, he was goin to kill him. Though, there would me a line.

"You think that thing looks like Tony? I don't think so, though....Anyways, I have nothing to do with it." America confirmed. I would have thought the same thing as Canada, but to be blunt.....America can't come up with a prank as good as this one. The thought still lingered though. I was slightly disappointed that it was no prank. That meant we really are in a life and death situation.

"That means, we are in a bigger and more dangerous situation." I mutter as I sigh. I had moved away from china and was leaning in the wall to avoid getting a new hair style entirely.

"...Wait! You don't blame me?" America asked. We all gave America a confused look. "Its pretty much all my fault that you got dragged into this. If I hadn't bugged you about it, none of this would have never happened." America said, placing all the guilt on himself. I saw Italy jump a little at the comment.

"I thought you'd blame me more. I'm rather disappointed. But its okay for you to get mad at me now." America said as he looked down in disappointment.

"Haaaaaah...Is that what you really think?" China sighed as he leaned back and crossed his arms.

England some how popped over to the American and hit his head. America let out a yelp and rubbed his head. He looked up at the Brit who huffed tsunder like.

"You really do have hamburgers for brains. Stop spouting nonsense." England grumbled as he crossed his arms and turned the other way.

"Well, sure, this all may have started with a word from you.....but were the ones who went along with is, eh?" Canada asked. He sent a glance at me and I smiled with a nod.

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