36. Mix Things Up a Little

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"Wow, it sure is dark in here."

Marsh kept her smile on as she walked into the mansion, two bags of flour strapped to her back and ten dozen eggs in the bags at her sides. "It is, but you'll get used to it. If you want a flashlight, I can get you one."

"Uhh, that'd be great, actually. It looks tidy, it's just... dark."

"Marshmallow's like a genius when it comes to cleaning stuff," Apple said, coming in behind Paintbrush. "She bought this neat little robot that cleans the floors for you at Walmart. It's really fun to ride around!"

The robot (a roomba, she couldn't seem to get Apple to remember) went clattering across the ground, flipped onto its back. Bow emerged from it. "Yay, you're baaaaack! ...Oh, you're here?"

She stared at Paintbrush with interest, then looked questioningly to Marsh, who grinned. "Gee! Come to think of it, you've never met in person, huh...? Anyway, Bow, this is my friend from the show, Paintbrush. And Paintbrush, of course you've heard of Bow."

Paintbrush bowed. "It's always a pleasure to meet one of Marsh's friends."

Bow pointed at Paintbrush with both hands. "Right back atcha," she squinted, "dude? Gal? Whatever, you look like a pal to me. An attractive pal, too... care to have a tour of the premises from yours truly?" Bow waggled her eyebrows. Paintbrush blushed.

Marsh giggled. "Don't be too forward, Bow! Paintbrush was getting sick of fame, so we offered them a free vacation here. It should be a nice way to keep things fresh."

"Oh yeah! My crib is your crib! I better go tell Dough... don't wait up!" Bow disappeared into thin air.

'Wow. If anything she's taking too well to Paintbrush. It beats Apple still hating on Bow, at least.' Marsh turned to Paintbrush. "Well, I guess I'll lead you to your room so you can get settled in for the night." Marsh took the duffel bag from Paintbrush and lifted it over her head. "Please forgive me, the place is probably a mess-"

"Little robot thing doesn't go upstairs!"


"It's not a big deal; I'm no neat freak. Wherever you can make room for me is fine. I'm thankful you invited me over to begin with, Marshmallow. It should be a nice experience."

"We're happy to have you," Marsh replied earnestly. "It's a slow-paced lifestyle, great for figuring things out, so make yourself at home."


'It's amazing how weird your life really is, and you don't even realize it until you have someone reacting to it.'

In retrospect, it was a theme that colored the whole week.


Baking at eight in the morning on a Wednesday was one such instance of strange behavior.

"...Hey Marshmallow, I really missed you."

Marsh looked up in surprise. She was stirring a bowl of thick batter, standing up in front of the kitchen oven. The smell of cookies and the mess of making them surrounded the two of them. Apple stood a little ways to the side, watching curiously.

She grinned, a little hesitant. "I know."

"Didja miss me too?"

Marsh rolled her eyes. "Maybe a little."

"I missed you a little more than a little," Apple said earnestly. "It was something more along the lines of, hmm..." She rubbed her stem pensively. "I missed you a lot. I couldn't stop missing you! Is that weird?"

A Marshmallow's Guide to Loving a Complete Idiot (Inanimate Insanity)(Marshple)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя