The King (Darkiplier Fanfic)-Part Three

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Hands collided with cold, metal bars of a gate, locked in place. They kept her in, refusing her access to the city, where the stands were, where her family used to be. A sob escaped her lips, tears streaming down her cheeks, hot and quick, dripping from her chin. She slammed a fist against the gate, screaming for her family in a desperate attempt to release the pain she felt swelling in her chest. The groundskeepers stopped their tasks to watch, shifting uneasily. They weren't completely sure what was going on, but they knew it must be the King's fault. It always was for those wanting to leave.

Willow sank to her knees, gripping the bars, suddenly feeling very trapped, chained to every wall, and every object. He lied to her. He told her her family would be safe, happy, comfortable... and she believed him. She flinched as a light, but cold hand placed itself on her shoulder. She tensed, knowing who it was, wanting to yell, and scream at him, but knew she would only be punished.

His lips brushed against her ear, causing her to shiver in fear. "You really thought the King of Shadow would just do something so kind?" His hand went around, lightly grabbing her chin, forcing her to look up. He loomed over her, red eyes dilated, almost predatory. "Silly, little, heart-broken thing. You are like a bird, battered by the Winter, wings broken and bent, unable to fly. I will take you, feed you, give you the life of luxury, but you will never be able to fly again. Silly, silly bird, for trusting a shadow," he caressed her cheek, icy fingertips grazing her jaw line, smiling as she sucked in a breath.

"There isn't any use in running, Willow," he continued, moving his fingers to her lips, thumb running across her cheek to snatch a tear. "Just accept what I have done, and your life. Nothing has changed, except the fact that you now know your family is no longer alive. So, now, who will you focus your work for, if not your family? Me? Oh, I'd love that. To see you work so, so very hard for me."

Willow shuddered, eyes slipping shut. Her chest resonated with pain, her stomach nothing but empty, mind numb. There was nothing else she could do but work. It was work, or death for her. She had no choice. Swallowing thickly, she nodded, feeling her throat close up, another sob threatening to rise.

Dark smiled, moving his other hand to cup both her cheeks. He leaned down, brushing his lips against her's, letting out a satisfied hum. "I have a new task for you, as of today. I think now is the perfect time to start you on your training.

Her gaze went back to the gates, every fiber of her being wanting out, to go back. Another tear slipped down her cheek as she realized what she had done. She condemned her family to death. She just wanted to help. Her body shook as the panic settled in, mind swirling with too many thoughts and emotions. Her arms went around her stomach, suddenly feeling sick, fingers twitching. Her breath hitched in her throat, unable to properly take in air, making light, choking sounds. 

The king merely watched these actions, hands moving from her cheek to her neck, tracing small circles on her collarbone. "You may panic now. You may cry now. You may even scream now. But you will learn to live with the pain, my broken bird."

With those words in her mind, she felt her body grow weak, and vision go dark. She didn't fight it though. It was numbing. Why would she?


Dark sat at his desk, signing documents and papers for laws to be passed, ignoring those he didn't want or like. He would glance to the sleeping figure on his bed occasionally, hoping she would wake, only to sigh to see she was still asleep. It's been a few days since she fainted, and he distantly realized that maybe he should have kept that information a secret throughout her life. But it was too late now, there wasn't anything he could do. While he didn't want her either overly emotional, tending to burst into tears at any moment, or so numb that if a man was beat to death in front of her, she wouldn't bat an eyelash, he didn't want to take the time to heal her back to normal. Whatever happens happens, but she will always be his.

Unless she asked, there would be no more reading, no more meetings in the maze, no more privy secrets. Everything would be exposed. Everything would be how it should be, and now, he had a queen, and a soon to be heir. While he wasn't planning on dying anytime soon, he wanted a son to teach to be just as ruthless as he. He had a fear, though, a fear that Willow would soften the child, and while he did love her, and want her around, he didn't want that to happen. His grip tightened on his quill at the thought of killing his beloved, her blood spilling on the floor, wide, terrified eyes lifeless as she stares up at him, soul demanding to know why. He sighed heavily, leaning against his hand, gripping his wavy hair tightly. He didn't like to think about it.

With another sigh, he dropped his quill, and stood, striding over to the sleeping girl on his bed. Her breath was light, and soft, eyes twitching gently, caught in a dream. Se gripped the bed sheets over her, fist by her mouth, looking much younger in sleep than awake. He smiled gently, sitting beside her on the bed. He reached over, running a hand through her silky brown hair, loving the feel of the waves between his cold fingers. She was pleasantly warm, thought it was a little lost to him, being drastically chilly compared to a human, such as herself. While he did want her awake, he enjoyed her sleeping face to the point of comfort. He laid himself down beside her, continuing to slip his fingers in and out of her hair. She didn't stir at his touch, nor move.

What would happen if she did wake up now? Panic? Stare? Perhaps she would forget...? He hoped that was the case, that she would think it was some nightmare. Perhaps he could convince her it was. Tell her she was fallen ill suddenly, on the love seat by the fire. Tell her that throughout her fever, she tossed and turned, cried, and screamed throughout the day and night, only to suddenly have it break. He could do that, he thought, to not have to deal with the broken bird before him. He smiled at his plan, caressing her cheek once again.

"You are mine and only mine," he murmured. "And I will never let you slip away."

Picture by yoru-kage on Tumblr

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