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Kate had just woken up and started to get ready to see Rana. She wanted to look nice for Rana and confess everything for her love. Rana just texted Kate and said ' On my way x ' Kate then text back and said ' Ok I'm waiting '

The buzzer went off and Kate opened the door for Rana. They both said ' hi ' nervously. " Do you want a drink ? " Kate asked. " I'm fine thanks " Rana replied. The two girls sat next to each other on the sofa and talked. Kate was furious with Rana but still have a little soft side for her.

" Rana I need to ask you something before we talk " Kate told Rana.
" What Is it ? " Rana replied confused.
Kate took a deep breath and replied " know the other night ? "
Rana nodded her head.
" You kissed me. Why Rana? " Kate asked. This took Kate some guts after Kate love Rana and needed to know how she feels to. Rana then quickly replied, " About that, I need to tell you something. I love you Kate and will always will. " Kate was in shocked but happy. Rana continued, " ever since you and Imogen started to date, that when it got me when I had deep feelings for you. I want you and want to be with you " Kate was clearly happy but then said " We can't be together, Your with Zee and im with Imogen and he's my best mate I can't hurt him he's a good man. " Rana agreed. Kate then put her hands on Rana laps and then said " Rana, as much as I have like you, I'm falling in love with you and I can't stop thinking about you " Rana was so happy Kate made Rana day. " When did love me ? " Rana asked kindly. " since you kissed me. " Kate replied quickly.

Rana and Kate eyes locked for a split second until they both grew into a passionate kiss.

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