✎ ten ✐

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"yoongi hyung!"

jimin bursts in through the hotel room and flies on top of the sleeping male. he hugs him tightly while tears creep up at the sides of his eyes.

"what the hell j-" he begins to croak out.

"don't let her hurt him! please protect me!"

the words make the daegu male sit up with worry in his eyes, he wraps his arms around the smaller male and holds him close.

as if to make matters worse, taekook run into the room while shrieking,

"she was running after us!"
"she's real!"

jimin gets even more scared and bursts out into loud sobs, he clings tightly onto the older and tries to hide his face into his shirt, "don't let her get me, dada! pweeease!"

hearing the words he uses, yoongi realizes the mochi has slipped into littlespace. he shoots a glare at the two, "what is going on?!"

"bloody mary, hyung! she was after us and we saw her!" kook explains with wide shook eyes, his arms cling around tae who is equally shook.

before the older could respond, hoseok stumbles into the room, "sorry, got distracted." he places down the bags onto the couch and walks over to the crying boy, "come here jiminie."

"no!" jimin whines, his fingers cling tighter onto the others shirt, "i want dada!" he hiccups a couple times and continues to wet the shirt yoongi is wearing with his tears.

hoseok raises an eyebrow, he looks slightly taken back, "oh.. okay. well, i'll let you calm down." his eyes flicker over to the other two, "both of you, come with me." he grabs the two by the arm and drags them out of the room to give them a stern talk.

"sweet pea, don't worry. you will be okay," yoongi whispers as he rubs the younger's back in a comforting way, "daddy won't let anyone hurt you."

the crying simmers down and he looks up with frosted eyes and eyelashes that stick together, his thumb in his mouth, "pwomise?"

oh lord, the sight of the younger makes the daegu males heart thump loudly with adoration. he's never felt such feelings for anyone else, just park jimin. "i promise."


that night, everyone is a bit jumpy or hyper and it takes a while to get some rest. hoseok told namjin about everything that happened, so the two men did their best to comfort the boys who still tried to explain that bloody mary is real. that resulted in namjoon having to hold kook close to him as they slept, same with jin and taehyung. on the other hand, yoonmin slept peacefully and soundly in each other's embrace.

in the morning, everyone woke up at different times, merely because today is considered a free day for them to roam around california.

"where's everyone heading to?" their manager asks them as everyone is in the cafeteria eating their breakfast.

the talking quiets out as all try to think of what they want to do today,

"ice skating!"
"sight seeing!"

of course, everyone wants to do different things because there is so many options of activities.

taehyung sips his juice, "saw a gucci store and i really want to visit it." he turns to his partner in crime and convinces him to go, "kook is going with me."

"can i still go ice skating?" jimin asks as his eyes peer up at his manager with a puppy look. this gets a nod from the manager and a smile.

the red head butts in, "guess i'll go too." he scoots his chair closer to the younger.

"and me too," yoongi adds. he shoots the other a warning look and scoots himself closer to the other side of the younger.

jimin feels unable to breath from having both guys pressed up so closely to him, "t-this'll be fun!" he tries to move but can't.

"guess that just leaves me and joon to go sight seeing by ourselves," jin says with a hidden smile as he cuts up a piece of pancake.

after breakfast they all split up once again to go on their own adventures for the day.

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