Chapter 33

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Tyler POV

"Wait so if this is your story and your the guy and she's the girl and all this was the problem doesn't that me you get the girl, you know being given being that you are the 'guy' and all?" Haden looked at me with a confused expression.

Wow here was another one, all caught up in fairytale forgetting about reality down here.

I was about to burst his bubble, tell him he reads too much, tell him he should come back to Earth. But before anything could leave my mouth I heard the sweetest voice behind me

"Well I don't know about the guy but the girl is quite interested. "I spun around and there she was all perfectly imperfect.

"Well if the girl is still interested I'm'm sure the guy could be persuaded." I say walking towards her slowly.

She instantly burns up, her face turming crimson. I loved that I had the effect on her.

"Well then the guy should hurry up cause the girl is not known for her patience."

She turned to walk away but I caught her arm in time spinning her into my arms.

"Well the guy has come to a decision."

"And." She said lifting her eyebrow
Elizabeth POV

Then he kissed me. It was more amazing then anything I have ever read. The feeling was as if it was new years Eve inside my body and someone had just let off fireworks. At this moment I was at my happiest.

I was smiling so much I had to pull away. He placed his forehead on mine. His eyes glistening like a lake lit up by the moonlight.

"Does that answer your question?" He said with a chuckle

"Ya." I said slightly out of breath still recovering from my high.

"And so how does the girl feel about it?"

"Oh she's happy alright." I said.

And the truth was I  had never been that happy before  in my life

Well well well
Here we have come to the end of our journey with Him

Please tell me what you guys think

Thanks for all the support and everyone who read this book.

Pls check out my other book I promise it will be wayyyyy better than this one

It's called Queen vs King

Also I'm not sure about an epilogue if you want one please let me know

Again thanks sooooo much



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