Chapter 29

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Tyler POV

"Well I guess that didn't according to plan." Penny said trying to suppress a laugh.

"You think?" I said with sarcasm dripping from my words as the sticky liquid dripped from my head. "You think?"

When we tried to talk to Beth she blew up. I've never seen her act like that.

A few minutes earlier

She slowly raised her head giving me the deadliest glare I have ever seen


Her tone was sharp and clipped clearly showing her irritation.

"We need to talk..."

I never had a chance to complete your sentence because suddenly she jumped to her feet banging her table and making a horrible screeching sound with her chair in the process

"Please Tyler, we don't need to talk about anything. You had many MANY opportunities to talk you me in the past but now all of a sudden you wanna speak to me!! Why because I'm different because I 'changed'. You don't even know me. You've never paid any attention to me before so why the sudden interest now! Huh? Cause I'm not wrapped around your little finger, cause you can't predict my every movement."

By the time she was finish she was out of breath, her face red with anger.

I too raised up from your desk but in a much calmer manner.

"Your right, this isnt you, I'm just trying to hel-.."

By now she gad enough.


And just to top it off she proved her angry point by spilling all her soda over my head. On my hair! This wasn't her.

I grabbed my bag and ran after her. There was still like five minutes of detention left but I didn't care. It was time to confront this, confront her. Just like a bandage you just need to ripe it off.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth! Would your just stop." I raced to catch up with her.

"What?!" She turned looking flabbergasted.

"Would you just stop." I said my voice slightly faltering.

I've stopped walking what are you..."

I'm not talking about walking I mean this." I gesture to her. "Stop this pretence. It's not you."

"And what is me? Huh?! You don't know m. Until a few weeks ago you didn't know my name. You act like you care but why? So you can mess with my head?!" Her body was shaking as she stopped talking. Her body still the same from her previous outburst

I took a step back. What did she mean? "How could you say  that? I care for you I love you!"

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