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The conversation kept flowing even as my insides started to crumble .

With every hand she placed on him  and every laugh they shared and all the other cute couple stuff they did made me die a little inside.

It'd funny how you barely know a person yet become so possessive over them.

I made sure to keep a happy face, but my pain was starting to show through the cracks. I laughed less and I glared more.  Luckily I was saved by a girl I an super glad to call my friend,  Penny.

"Oh my hat. Elizabeth you're here? Everyone was saying you were but I didn't belive them but here you are. Wow." She grabbed me in a tight hug.  I smiled. I always did when she was around. She always supported me and even helped me out a lot

After Penny arrived everything became easier. We were laughing and talking and for once I felt like a normal teenage. Funny enough moan was never normal for me.

It was funny how when your around a certain person how everything becomes easier or better. It was like whenever I was with Penny her easy-going rubbed off on me, and for that I was glad.

That's when it happened. I don't know if I was imagining it all or she was really there but I know I heard something.

" Hey dork."

As soon as I heard it I  spun around. I couldn't see anything. But I was swear  I saw the
 flick of her pin- straight ,jet black hair.

Could it be her? Did she really come back?

It was impossible... right?

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