Ch. 23 - Too little, too late

Start from the beginning

Seulgi wanted more than just sex with Irene, and she craved a much deeper connection. Something that her relationship with Krystal was lacking.

7:30 rolled around and it was time to serve Irene and her father breakfast. As Seulgi grabbed the tray of eggs she was to carry, she found that worry inside of her suddenly turn into paralyzing fear. It felt like a strange kind of nervousness one would get just before a first date. Where a thousand scenarios would run through your mind. Would they like me? Would we hit it off? What if the date's a dud?

"You alright, Seulgi?" Asked Emily with a look of concern, jolting her out of her paralysis.

She nodded quickly, "I'm fine, thank you."

"You just looked a bit pale— erhm I mean paler than normal for a moment."

"This is nothing, and thank you again. Let's serve Breakfast before Mr. Ferrer gets cross." Seulgi said as she moved into the dining room.

Though very scared, she took a page from Mr. Green the actor and simply acted as if she wasn't.

Entering the room, Seulgi instinctively looked at Irene and for a moment their eyes met. She gave Seulgi a pleasant but somewhat neutral looking smile than her usual customary greeting.

"Good Morning Seulgi, how are you this fine morning?"

Irene then also greeted Emily, who had come in right behind Seulgi much in the same fashion. That didn't help Seulgi's nerves one single bit. But like a good actress, she didn't break character and served breakfast.

She retreated into her character and went about her duties, trying to ignore the worries that were plaguing her. About an hour later, Seulgi was in the process of making the beds. Mrs. Bailey normally did that chore, but when she was busy elsewhere she had Seulgi perform the duty.

Her mind was still on the Korean-Latina, despite not having seen her since breakfast. She was partway through making Irene's bed when she suddenly felt a pair of soft hands slip around her waist from behind.

Startled, she turned around to see it was Irene who had a rather mischievous smile on her face. Looking over at the door then back to her did Seulgi realize she was so engrossed in her thoughts she didn't hear her come in, close the door and sneak up to her.

"What?" Said Seulgi with wide opened eyes.

Irene merely put her finger over her lips to silence Seulgi, then planted a tender kiss on the Goth's lips.

After a brief but intense kiss, Irene moved her lips to Seugi's ear and whispered. "I couldn't go another hour without stealing a kiss."

She then giggled, let Seulgi go and left the room without another word.

Seulgi felt alright again, more than alright. She in fact did a little victory dance in Irene's bedroom, but stopped when she remembered she had to clean the chamber pots next.

"How fair is that I kiss her one minute, then clean her piss the next? Someone upstairs has a demented sense of humor." Seulgi said with a shake of her head as she finished making the bed.

Things for the rest of the day went well for her, considering she had to work her ass off as she always did every day. But that evening, after she got finished she received a knock at her door.

It was Irene of course, having told her father she was going on a nighttime walk. The only place she walked was straight to Seulgi's bed.

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