Ch. 22 - The moment (Part II)

Start from the beginning

"Oh fuck... Mmmh yeah... that's it, fuck..." Seulgi panted breathlessly.

Again that sound was music to Irene's ears. Granted the language was a bit shocking, but considering the context, Irene did indeed like to hear it.

Though she wanted it to last, Seulgi suddenly came very hard as her whole body convulsed with pleasure. Seulgi just kept her eyes closed and rode the blissful orgasm.

Her work done, Irene sat up and gently caressed Seulgi's leg. For Seulgi, it was more than a simple orgasm. Just the thought that Irene was with her made it a thousand times more special.

After she recovered, Seulgi put out her arms. "I want to hold you, please..."

Irene smiled and crawled into her arms, where she gently kissed Irene's head and closed her eyes. More lovemaking would come soon, but for now, Seulgi just wanted to hold this wonderful woman. In fact she never wanted to let go.

She had come so far from the day where she stood crying over Irene's grave. Now Irene was her lover, and she could only hope that she could be something more. The thoughts and the possibilities. But a sobering thought quickly came to mind,

"I'm still a fraud. Even if I just tell her I love her, that may scare her off." All Seulgi could do is to push those worries out of her head and just enjoy the moment.

Now that Seulgi had her in her arms, she never wanted to let the Korean-Latina go. Too scared to say how she felt or even who she was, Seulgi decided to show Irene how she felt through the act of lovemaking.

She slowly ran her fingers through Irene's long brown hair, smile genuinely and said softly;

"Come on, lay back. We're nowhere near finished."

Irene giggled and layback letting the pale Korean-American crawl on top of her. Irene at that moment, couldn't help but notice the deep intensity in her eyes as she looked in them. It was intriguing and a bit scary all at the same time.

Taking the initiative, Seulgi started with Irene's lips. She started with a slow burning kiss. She couldn't help but put all her feelings in that kiss, all the things that she wanted to say and do, but couldn't. Again, Irene could detect a certain unsaid intensity with the woman she was with. it was both alluring and strange at the same time.

Soon their tongues met and the kiss only seemed to deepen. As Seulgi kissed her, Irene took time to run her fingers through Seulgi's raven locks. That was something that Seulgi would eventually come to love.

Once the Korean rebel got started, she found herself moving faster and faster, as if that intensity in her took over. through it all, Seulgi found herself wanting Irene to feel besides mere physical pleasure. She wanted Irene to feel loved.

The kiss seemed to last an eternity, a wonderful blissful eternity. Then Seulgi moved to her left jaw and then to her neck. As she began to kiss Irene's pulse point, the Korean-Latina responded by some soft moans of her own. Irene more and more loving the attention that was being lavished on her.

As she was working on Irene's neck, Seulgi actually had to restrain herself from leaving a hickey on her neck. Some part of her wanted to mark Irene as her own right then and there, but she knew perfectly well that would spell disaster for Irene. Seulgi told herself she had Irene for the moment and she should be happy with that.

Seulgi sat up for a moment and just began to feel and touch Irene's body. Irene noticed that she seemed to be exploring and familiarizing herself with it, in a very tender and sensual fashion. However, Seulgi happily explored every little curve of her body, every little freckle and mole, from her head down to her feet. The touch was tender and soft, with Seulgi planting an occasional kiss here and there.

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