Goodbye, boys. I said. I heard them stand up and felt someone lean over my bed give me an awkward hug.

“Goodbye, Harry. Please get better soon. I really do miss you.” Niall’s voice was spoken with such sincerity that I wanted to cringe. That boy was too good for this life.

“Bye, Harry.” Zayn said. I felt him ruffle my hair. Just then I heard them exit, and stop before leaving.

“Oh! Isolde! Excuse us, we were just leaving. I have to get a grumpy Niall home before he throws a temper tantrum.” Zayn said. I then heard the best sound in the world: The sound of Isolde’s laughter.

“A grumpy Niall would be a horrible thing!” She said still giggling. Zayn chuckled and Niall grumbled under his breathe words I could not make out. “How is he?” I heard her ask with concern. I smiled internally that she was concerned.

“His body is just recovering. He should wake up soon.” Zayn told her in a kind voice.

“There was so much blood.” Isolde whispered. She sounded half-broken. I just wanted to ensure her I was fine.

“He is fine, Princess. He just needs rest. He is luck you found him when you did.” Naill’s voice was comforting her. I was mad that it wasn’t me, but I wasn’t mad at Niall or Zayn.

“Princess?” Isolde said, and Niall chuckled.

“Sorry, it’s your name.” Niall said, “And I am starting to get grumpy, so take me home, my dear.”

“Anything for you, love.” Zayn replied. After the three exchanged their goodbyes, I was left in a room with just my mate.

“They’re an odd, yet lovely couple.” Isolde said to her self. I heard walk around the room picking things up and putting them back down. Just then I heard some one else enter the room, and I instantly recognized the too much colgne smell.

“Isolde!” I heard the man say. His voice was whiny and I did not like him.

“Hello, Jackson.” Isolde replied, she sounded weary.

“What are you doing here, don’t you usually volunteer in children's section?” He asked.

“I usually do, but this is my… friend and I wanted to make sure he’s okay.” Isolde said. I had a feeling her back was turn to him, and I could feel her tucking in my sheets around me. It was a nice feeling that made me fall even harder for her.

“Friend? Where do you know him from?”

“I met him yesterday I guess. I am more acquaint with his brothers, but they had to leave so I thought I would stay for a minute or two.”

“Well, it’s already passed nine. Don’t you have lessons in the morning?”

“Yes, but not til around three in the afternoon so I’m good.” Her voice was cheerful, yet sounded forced. I had the feeling she did not like this Jackson and that made me cautious.

“Well I get off in ten minutes. Let’s get something to eat or coffee.” Jackson said. His voice was arrogant and I wanted to rip out his throat. I heard Iz sigh as she continued to mess with the blankets around me.

“No, thanks.” She said.

“Fine, but one day you’ll say yes.” He said clearly upset by the rejection. Iz didn’t reply and Jackson stormed out of the room. When he left Isolde sighed to her self and sat in the chair by my bed.

“Your brothers have already gone home, and its past visiting hours. Lucky for you they like me in this hospital so I get to stay a little longer.” She told me. Her voice was so light and pretty.  She had a faint accent from somewhere I could not place, but it suited her well. “All of them are English, except Niall, so I will assume you are too. I think Niall is my favorite out of all of your brothers. In the waiting room he told the story of Princess Isolde. I had heard that story several times from my grandfather, but, I hate to say it, Naill tells it better.” I heard shift her weight and she was quiet for a few minutes. “I’m glad you’re not hurt, Harry.” When she said my name it was like some stupid love song quote had babies inside of me. Wow I’m really articlate with my words today. The door opened and I heard Iz stand.

“Hey, sorry Iz but you got to home.” A heard a voice say and I felt a lost a thought of her leaving.

“Ok, Mymy. Goodnight Harry. I’ll come and see you tomorrow before I give my lessons.” She told me. I heard her walk over to my bed, and felt her press a kiss to my forehead before leaving.

Louis make sure she gets home safe. I tell him.

On it. Boss. Louis cheerful voice tells me. I wait for what seems like hours to hear back. She is safe in her house and I heard her door lock.

Thank you, Louis. Go home now if you wish.

Thanks, Harry. Feel better, and I love you! He made kissing noises in my head and I had to chuckle.

Love you too, idiot. I tell him. I slowly start to lose focus and I quickly fall back asleep. 

Not Good Enough (A Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now