The Light!!....Part 6

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I was running away with only the street lights showing my path. Throwing knifes whizzed past me and hit signs and other objects. Luckily the place seemed desolate and abandoned so mo stand byers were hurt in the process. I turned a sharp turn down the street that lead to the house.

'Wait! If I go to the house, they will know were I live! I have to lose them some were.' I thought as I ran past the house. I ran down my walking path and jumped onto the trail I lost Matt and Allen earlier that day. I jumped over bushes, branches, holes, and roots that stuck from the ground. I some how dodged all the throwing knifes that threatened to hit its target. ME!

I grabbed the same branch and let it go. As I did I heard a painful grunt. I smirked. Bulls eye! I ran faster but as we gat further and further into the area, it started to get darker. I soon lost sight of the trail. As I was running I stepped into a hole. A sharp pain ran up my leg and all the way up my spine. I groaned as I fell to the ground. I heard the sound of twigs and leaves being crushed under feet. I looked around and caught site of a bush that was next to me. I rolled under it and laid on my stomach.

I saw the shapes of three pair of feet. A katana was lowered and pointed at my face. I quietly gulped as I felt a cold sweat run down my neck.

"We're did that little piece of S*** ragazzo go?" I heard Luciano growl as he looked around.

"Must of gotten away." Lutz said as he scanned the area. I flinched as I saw a pair of feet face me.

"I am having a since of dejavo. Dose this since of technique remind you of some one we night know. He spoke our languages, and it would have to almost be fluently if he was to know what we said. The way he lead us to an unfamiliar place with out getting hit by Luciano's knife's. He also seemed to have lost us. Tell me dose that sound familiar to anyone, if not I'll give you a hint. That boy, was a girl." Kuro said as he placed his katana back in its sheath. I felt my body relax and sighed quietly.

"Ragazza?.....No. You think he was (Name)? That makes since know! he knew what we were saying cause she had to go through all that training and lessons in her world, but how did she get here and haven't notice till now?" Luciano said as he tapped his knife to his chin with the dull side.

'Probably cause you are stupid retards that don't think twice. Its true, I did use the same technique, I need to learn some other tactics. Crap.' I thought as I mentally face palmed.

"If she is in this world, then we need the Allies hel-!" Lutz stopped as he barely dodged the knife that was now in the tree, hilt deep. He looked at Luciano who had a shocked expression as well.

"It wasn't me!" He shouted.

"Heh, pitiful. If you were as good as they say, you would have sensed me earlier." A female voice said with amusement laced with it. My breath hitched.

"Who said that!" Kuro yelled as he pulled out his katana once again.

"Good question, who could I be?" The voice taunted. I felt a shiver run up my spine.

"Stop fooling around with us and come out." Luciano said in a menacing voice. This earned a laugh from the voice.

"Aww~ what's wrong? Do you not want to play? Well, fine." The voice said as I heard something land on the ground.

I looked at the sound and saw a pair of knee high boots. (2P Name).

"Who are you?" Kuro asked as he pointed it at her. She smirked and laughed that cold laugh that made my blood run cold. Was I scared? No. Scared. It was not something I was suppose to have. It is what all that training was for. I was taught not to fear bugs, heights, people, killing. I was a raised weapon. Put through bad, hard, conditions, some worse then the last. Yet, a felling I knew was their, anticipation, nervous, and the thing I couldn't be, fear.

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