Captured!? Part 2

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~~~~~~~(Your POV)~~~~~~~~

I was gathering my things. My shift had ended when Oliver and Françoise walked out. I had my other clothes on. I walked out the back door exit that lead to the alleyway. I sighed as the cold wind froze my body once again. I grabbed the note Toby had written down to me. I smiled, knowing that she was there for me. Putting the note back in my pocket, I started making my long walk back to my hideout in the forest.

"Hey doll~ You free tonight?" I stopped as I was about to turn a corner in the alleyway. I was about to turn and walk away when I heard a familiar voice.

"No, now leave me alone." Toby said. I froze and spun around. I walked back over to the corner and peeked. I saw Toby backing away from out of all people, 2p America and 2p Canada.

"How about you give us your wallet and we wont do anything rash." 2p Canada said as he raised his hockey stick in a threatening way.

'That girl is about as tough as me. No way in the world would she give them anything.' I thought to myself.

"NO!! Beat it before I beat you!" Toby yelled boldly. I smirked at that. Of course she would say that. She probably doesn't know who she's threatening.

In one swift motion she was slammed into the wall. She grunted in pain. Both men started to move in on her. That's when I decided to intervene.

I dropped my stuff and jumped in front of her as they brought down there weapons. I grabbed both weapons and stood my ground. They both looked at me surprised. I kicked them both back. I stood in front of toby, shielding her from there sight.

"(Boy Name)! Run!" Toby yelled. I looked down at her and smiled warmly.

"And leave you behind. I know your a tough nut to crack, but these men are no joke." I said as I glared at the two men.

"Who's this? Your lover boy, I thought we had a thing doll?" 2p America mocked as a smirk made its way to his face.

"I'd prefer knight in shining armor, but whatever. I also don't think she would even look at you twice, perv." I said as I helped Toby up.

"Why you little!" 2p America charged at me with his bat ready to strike. I pushed Toby out of the way and ducked. I tacked him to the ground throwing punches as hard as I could.

A full out bloody fight broke out between me and the two men. I was distracted by 2p Canada's attack that I failed to notice 2p America swinging at my head. I was hit hard and flung off the blond man. I felt my blood started to trickle down the side of my head.

"(BOY NAME)!!!!!" I heard Toby screech. She ran to my side and tried to prop my head on her lap. I grunted, and slowly made my way to my feet. I was trembling as I tried to steady myself.

I fixed myself back into a fighting stance.

'I cant fail now! I need to get home!' I thought. I was about to attack when a voice broke through my thoughts. Everyone paused and looked at the opening of the dark alleyway.

"Allen and Mathieu! What do you think your doing?" A British voice yelled at the two men. There stood the colorful British man known as Oliver. Behind him was Françoise who looked less interested on what was happening.

I felt Toby hug my arm and try to support me as I wobbled a bit.

"Hey old man. Want to help get rid of some trash with us?" Allen asked with a dangerous glint in his red eyes. I gritted my teeth and glared at the brunette.

"What are you doing to this fine chap!" Oliver asked and scolded the two men.

"What's with you. We do stuff like this all the time. Now, h'bout you help us kill these two b****'*?" Mat said as he glared at me.

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