--------(Time Skip)-------

---------(Readers POV)------

I snuggled into the nice and warmth my hoodie was giving me as The Autumn air blew through my now short (H/C). I was walking down the streets, hoping I could get some food. I haven't eaten in days and my stomach was about to digest its self. Well I guess your wondering what happened.

Well the glowing light was a portal to the 2p world. Yeah, so I've been stuck in this blasted world for about 2 months. I tried everything, but couldn't conger a spell to send me back to my world. In a turn of events, I am know stuck here waiting to find a way home. The reason my hair was shorter was because I cut it. I had almost ran into one of the 2p that I had previously fought and ticked off, so to make sure to hid my existence in there world, I disguised my self as a guy.

I had on a (F/C) hoodie with a pair of jeans. To hid my eyes I wore a pair of dark sun glasses. I wore heavy boots that warmed my feet in this awful cold. My hands were stuffed in my pockets and I kept a strait face as I looked at all the stores.

I have been sleeping in the forest for awhile, but to get some cash I worked at a little café. As I walked in the café, I sighed as the warmth from the café warmed my ice cold hands and red cheeks.

Walking into the back, I slipped on my work clothes. I walked up front to where my other coworkers were to see what they needed me to do. I was the only "Boy" Here so the girls were always so flirty with me, which was awkward, considering I was a girl. I sometimes smiled thinking how funny it would be just to come out and say that when they are hitting on me.

Anyways today I was working at the cash register. I was talking to one of the only girls that never seemed to hit on me. Her name was Toby, and she was really cool. The bell that indicated we had new guest dinged. Without looking at the new guest I welcomed them.

"Hello, welcome to our café. How may I help you this evening." I said and bowed a little. When I looked up, my eyes almost shot out of my head. Standing there was 2p England and 2p France. 2p England smiled at me as he greeted me back.

"Oh, hello my good sir! I would like a table for two." He said in a sing song voice. Smiling wryly I nod.

"O-of course sirs, I'll have one of the maids show you to your seat. What would you like to drink this evening?" I asked as I called for one of the maids.

"Oh! I'll have a sweet ice tea please!" 2p England chirped. I looked over to 2p France, waiting for his answer.

He took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew a cloud of smoke out. It took all my might not to throw a book at his face again. He looked at me lazily and muttered "Wine."

Nodding, I wrote it down and handed it to the maid that would be serving them. With that she lead them to there seats.

I asked one of the other maids if I could go into the changing room for men, cause I forgot my tie. I slipped into the back and into the men's changing room. I sat in the back for awhile until the door opened. I looked up at the door. A voice I was very glad to hear called from the other side. I cracked it open to see Toby. She was looking at my with worry. I grabbed her arm and pulled her in. (Good thing I was the only bay that worked there).

"There you are. One of the maids said you went to find your tie and when you didn't get back I got worried. Are you okay?" Toby asked as she pulled her dyed blue hair out of her face. I looked at her with a worried look.

"Well,.....how good are you at keeping secrets?" I asked. She was probably the only person I really trusted in this world. She raised a eye brow and looked at me skeptically. I fidgeted under her oddly intense gaze. She slowly nodded her head and I let out a sigh.

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