Every Hour, On The Hour

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*vmm vmmf vmm vmmf*

"Oh god," Mikey groaned, "Pete's texting me. What do I do?" As if Mikey hadn't had a more pressing issue going on, he was nervous about his crush texting him. The more crucial matter at hand, like the vampire virus slowly hijacking his body, has caused Mikey to glisten with sweat and his body to go through the chills.

Ray snatched Mikey's phone, "who cares what Pete wants right now!" Ray, the mom friend worrying over his 'dying' friend.

"Maybe it's a good idea he has a distraction?" Frank suggested. He was kinda on the sideline on all of this. Truth be told, Frank was scared shitless and worried. They really need Gerard right now.

"Uh--no! He needs to save his strength. No offense Mikey, but fuck Pete. We have bigger things to deal with," Ray huffed.

Mikey groaned, "I'll never get to now!" Then proceeded to hack up his lungs. Ray grimaced, ignoring Mikey's side comment.

"We need Gerard," Ray stated emptily. They could get through Mikey changing at the most, but what happens when he's turned for real? Ray and Frank alone can't control a newborn vampire.

Gerard's appetite is unlike other typical vampires. The blood he consumes is mostly from animals. On a good day though, and if Mikey's feeling generous, he'll be gifted fraternal human blood.

Human blood is incomparable to animal blood. Though Gerard wishes it tasted the same, it really doesn't. He hates having Mikey give up a pint of blood for him even if they can't go out and get animal blood and Mikey's is all they're going to get. Also because G's a sweetheart and doesn't like the idea of hurting others.

However, animal blood was something he was 'born' drinking. Mikey's the only human blood he's tasted. Gerard wasn't alone when he changed, and he had someone to show him vampires can live in peace and harmony and all that crap with humans. With Gerard gone, there's no other vampire around to restrain Mikey.


Hours have passed since Gerard left at dawn. Now the sun was setting and Mikey's body temperature dropping. An hour earlier he spent puking, before that, screaming, and before that, shaking.

"I can feel myself changing," Mikey said weakly. All the color's been drained from his face and the bags under his eyes look even more prominent. He looks skinnier somehow, yet stronger. They couldn't really tell, but they think his eyes have grown darker.

"How?" Frank whispered in the dark. No one had gotten up to turn on the lights, only the moon illuminating the room.

"My mouth's dry, I feel colder but not chilly, ya know? And my eyes hurt," he said and blinked his eyes. "There's something going on inside, like, I don't know. Everything feels faster, or sharper."

Mikey, at first, described feeling dead inside; he grew weaker and his pulse slower. It was as if Mikey was slowly dying. His heart rate is picking back up, though. His strength is coming back. The virus, agonizingly slow, took his life, and then just as painfully, brought him back.

Ray pulled Frank aside so they could talk in private without leaving Mikey. Ray whispered, "he's almost done, I think. We need to find food for him."

"But he's a vampire now."

"No, food for vampires. Blood, Frank," Ray said.

"How are we gonna do that?" Frank whisper-yelled. Ray blanked, not knowing either how to find a supply of fresh animal blood.

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