VeintiDós ⚬

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Erica's Pov

I held her in my lap as we sat at the table. She explained to me about Kway and how she hold a thing of guilt in her heart.

She sobbed into my chest uncontrollably, hands clutching at my shirt. I comfort her in silence, rocking her slowly as tears soaked my chest.

"I don't k-know where to turn to .. " She said.

"Babe shh don't stress over it ok? You can't ponder  yourself over something you don't have control over." I'd reassured her.

She weakly smiled.

"You kinda smart to be a dum ass." She chuckled through her wet tears.

"Aye quit! I am smart ok clumsy .."

We sat there laughing a bit bout weird shit that occurred in Cyn's mind. I didn't care tho, long she kept a smile on her face.



"Make me feel whole again."

"Alright lemme get you some-

"Erica!" She slapped my chest. "You know what I mean."

"Nah I don't." I said blankly.

I attempted to get up but she pushed me back.

"Stop playing wimme .." she whined.

I peck her lips.

"I miss you." She murmured.

"I miss you too."

She gently leans in and devours my mouth. Sparks flew as the kiss became a fire of compassion. We broke apart and stare at each other. The look she gave me confirmed it all without nun being said. 

I sat her on the table and our lips reconnected. The chair was pushes back. Cyn's hand latched on to the back of my neck; the kiss grew intense. So many emotions ran through my mind.

Lost and Hope.

Cyn opened my mouth with a low moan. I sealed the advantage, flushing my tongue down her throat. The kiss grew deeper, more passionate; my hands felt around her waist.

I gripped her thighs, pulling her closer and my dick stood erect against her treasure box. She darted away, I tugged on her bottom lip. Nothing but Love and desired sparked in my eyes.

She laid down on the table with her legs dangling at the edge. I scooted more closer in between her legs and my hands venture over her curved body, exploring.

I leaned in softly kisses up and down her neck. She lets out little whimpers. I works my way back to her tender, smooth abdomen.

"Mmm .." she moaned.

It didn't take me long to get her full unclothed. I holted her legs up; my tongue thrusted into her pussy and her juices began to lap up. When Soft moans broke from her lips, I licked harder. Twisting my head to the side, I drove deeper.

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