He's making scrambled eggs and bacon and hashbrowns. I smile to myself.

"Just thought I'd make us some breakfast since yesterday was quite eventful. We could watch some movies later or play some Xbox or Playstation. I mean, we have to treat ourselves before school starts again", he explains.

"Sounds good", I tell him.

"So, could you make the coffee while I make the breakfast? Mom's coming home in two hours, so we should make sure we leave her some food."

I nod and go on to the coffee machine. Quickly I fill it up with water and put a filter with coffee in it. Wes also asks me to get two plates out and prepare everything in his room. I quickly run up the steps and get some things from my room, like my phone and my blanket. My phone vibrates in my hand, as I carry it over with my blanket. I quickly throw it on the bed and see that some unknown number texted me.

Unknown: You did a real good job on these - Niall

Niall also adds a selfie with his head tilted, so you can see the hickeys perfectly. They're even more blue and red than yesterday. I look down at my body, pulling my collar down to look at the hickey. I didn't really realize that it was there after I woke up and got dressed. It's a big blue and purple spot with light yellow outlines. Niall did suck on my skin really harshly. I don't text him back but rather save his number in my contacts. You never know when you need it. I turn on Wesley's TV and log into our Netflix account. I decide on the movie "The Toothfairy" with Dwayne Johnson. My body already cuddles up in the blankets and his sheets. Wes and I used to do these kind of things very often before Dad passed away. Mom liked to join us when she was off of work but she's taken more hours at the hospital to make more money, so we're kind of left off at home. She still takes good care of us but she's always very tired. Wes soon enough comes, bringing two plates with food and two cups of coffee. I take my things from him and help him with his, so he doesn't spill anything on his bed.

"So, that movie is what you want to watch?", he asks.

"Yeah, unless you want to watch something else. We can continue with some show aswell. I know that you didn't watch season two of Stranger Things", I answer.

"No, the movie is perfectly fine with me."

He comes a little closer to me, kissing me on the cheek before starting the movie and eating his breakfast. I start eating aswell, watching Dwayne Johnson apear on the screen.

After the movie ends, I turn it off and look over at Wesley, who fell asleep after finishing his food. He's probably still really tired from the party and because he woke up and made breakfast. I don't take it in a bad way. Afterall, he made breakfast and wanted to watch a movie with me. I stay in bed with him, just letting him sleep while I go through my phone a bit. It kept vibrating during the movie but I ignored it. I see some messages from our girl chat group. Riley, Mia, Mere and I are in there. We often just send each other homework or gossip a bit and fangirl over some famous people. Since Mere and I really love Cole Sprouse and Dylan O'Brien, Mia and Riley seem more interested in Justin Bieber and the Kardashians. It's funny because we like to annoy each other.

Mere: Guys, gotta tell you something.

Riley: Spill.

Mere: You guys know Ryan, right?

Riley: Yes, he's a nice guy.

Mia: Sure. He's cool.

Mere: I really like him and I think he likes me. What do I do? I mean, I can't just do nothing. He'd slip away from me, find someone new and then bam, he's gone.

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