Kids Just Wanna Have Fun!!!

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        "I am here!"

        We all turned to the front door - which had been thrown open with force. Oceania was standing in the doorway. Her dirty blond hair was pulled into a high ponytail and her bangs were pushed to the side as to not go into her brown eyes. Her skin was nice and tan, with very few blemishes on her face. She wore a bikini top with brown shorts along with mid-calf black boots. Bracelets littered her arms.

        "You didn't need to be so violent with the door," A voice said from behind her.

        "Aw, Indian, don't be like that," Oceania fake whined with a goofy grin on her face.

        Indian also had tanned skin, which went well with his short dark hair. His dark brown eyes stayed emotionless as they stared at Oceania. He wore almost the same things as Asia does but they claim they are nothing alike and will go on forever about it. Asia saying their old Asian clothing and Indian saying his were from India.

        "Stop that," he said calmly.

        "Lovers quarrel!"

        We all whipped around to look at Euro who was covering her mouth; blushing madly. We watched her as her reddened cheeks fade and return to their original pale color.

        "Sorry..." She trailed off, and we all nodded but all stayed silent.

        "You know what, I'm just going to ask the question that everyone wants to ask," I said, "Euro, why did you yell that?"

        She stared at me for a minute then sighed, "I'm not going to avoid this. Well, you know how we get some traits from our countries?"

        We nodded.


        Then it clicked.

        "Oh..." We all said and Euro let out a breath, glad to not have to explain that.

        "Well what now," Northy asked.

        "Let's go meet our countries!" I yelled.

        "No!" Euro yelled.

        "You don't have any countries, you're and ocean," Northy stated.

        "But why?" I asked, ignoring Northy.

        "Because we promised we wouldn't show ourselves to them," Asia pitched it.

        "That's a promise we made years ago," I snapped back, "They deserve to know about they're parents. Canada and USA deserve to know about their kids."

        "We can't break a promise to Mother," Indian stated.

        "Again, that was at the beginning of time," I pushed.

        "No," They all said (Besides Northy).

        "You guys are kill-joys," I finished and left to my room. I didn't want to stick around and wait for my friends. I went to my room and jumped onto my bed. I claimed a pillow and started to roll around on my bed. I wanted to meet all of the countries. But because of a promise we made to Mother, we can't even let them know we exist. The only reason that promise was made was because Mother thought it would be best for the countries to grow on they're own.

        Now that decision isn't just affecting us, but the states, provinces and territories as well.

        I didn't go down for Diner. I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling and rolling around on my bed.

All Over The Map (Hetalia Fan-fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin